First Name Giulio
Last Name Masetti
Unit Pisa
Email giulio.masetti(at)
Role Technologist
Phone 050 6213275 
Research Gate Link
Altro Link Web


  • Degree in Geological Sciences (University of Pisa, 1999) defending a thesis in applied geomorphology.
  • Scholarship in geology and geomorphology (University of Siena, Department of Earth Sciences) from 2000 to 2003.
  • Research grant at the CNR Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) for the “Realization, management and implementation of geothematic databases in GIS environment” from 2006 to 2010.
  • CNR Technologist since 2010.


GIS expert, works mainly in the context of research projects aimed at the protection and conservation of the territory and water heritage through the deepening of geological, geomorphological and hydrogeochemical knowledge, the development of the relative conceptual models and numerical modelling also in the context of predictive studies concerning the simulation of the direct and indirect effects of global change in different climate scenarios.

Main activities are:

  • geometric and hydrostructural characterization of geological bodies hosting aquifers (“reservoir”) through interpretation and correlation of litostratigraphic and geological-structural data;
  • creation of 3D geological solid models and their hydrogeological transposition representative of the hydrostructural stacking of the aquifer system, for the estimation of the contained groundwater resource and the implementation of numerical flow and transport models; development of the relative methodologies.
  • development of methodologies aimed at building hydrostructural 3D solid models for the estimation of the groundwater resource contained in aquifers and the implementation of numerical flow models;
  • analysis of meteorological-climatic time series and development of routines and iterative tools in Python for the restitution at the basin scale of the daily historical series of precipitation and temperature in the context of the implementation of forecasting models aimed at assessing the vulnerability of the resource to climate change underground water, both in terms of quantity and quality;
  • analysis of deposits, landforms and geomorphological processes related to slope, river and coastal dynamics aimed at assessing the degree of geological hazard;
  • analysis of relationships between gravity morphogenesis and neotectonic evolution, especially referred to deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD). 
  • design, development and maintenance of geothematic and project databases; design and preparation of the relative cartography.


  • Head of the CNR-IGG “Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Cartography” Laboratory (LabGIS), since 2012.
  • Cnr-Igg scientific manager for the realization of the databases of the official Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1: 50,000 (CARG national project - Sheets n. 274 “Empoli”, 277 "Bibbiena", 288 "Arezzo" and 320 " Castel del Piano”).
  • Coordinator of the scientific collaboration agreement between CNR-IGG and Terrelogiche srl, since 2015
  • Scientific coordinator and CNR-IGG technical referent of applied research projects concerning the implementation, management and maintenance of the Tuscany Region geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological databases (2016-2019)
  • Scientific manager of the collaboration agreement between Cnr-Igg and the Tuscany Region for the testing of the FREEWAT platform as part of the EU Horizon 2020 project of the same name (2016)
  • CNR-IGG scientific coordinator of research projects concerning the realization of the Tuscany Region slope stability map (2008-2010)
  • Designer and developer of the Database of the Tuscany Region Groundwater Bodies, published as part of the regional geographical infrastructure (S.I.T.A. – Territorial and Environmental Information System).
  • In 2004 has participated in the CNR S.C.A.I. Project (Study of Unstable Inhabited Centers) and from 2007 to 2010 has cooperated with the Emilia-Romagna Region Soil Defence Survey for providing the stability analysis of some inhabited centers.
  • From 2000 to 2004 has taken part both in C.A.R.G. national project for the realization of the new Italian Geological Map in scale 1:50.000 (sheets 249, 251, 260 and 266) and in geological and geomorphological 1:10.000 regional cartography projects (Marche and Tuscany regions).


  • Menichini M, Franceschi L., Raco B., Masetti G., Scozzari A., Doveri M. (2022) – Groundwater Modeling with Process-Based and Data-Driven Approaches in the Context of Climate Change. ( Water 2022, 14(23), 3956. (ISSN 2073-4441).
  • Brussolo E., Palazzi E., von Hardenberg J., Masetti G., Vivaldo G., Previati M., Canone D., Gisolo D., Bevilacqua I., Provenzale A., Ferraris S. (2022) – Aquifer recharge in the Piedmont Alpine zone: historical trends and future scenarios. ( Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 407–427, 2002. (ISSN 2035-8008).
  • Marcelli I., Irace I., Fioraso G., Masetti G., Brussolo E., Raco B., Menichini M., Vivaldo G., Doveri M., Pispico R., Cozzula S. (2022) – The Subsurface Database of the Torino Area (Western Po Plain): From the Design of the Conceptual Scheme to 3D Modeling. (DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-94426-1_9). In: E. Borgogno-Mondino and P. Zamperlin (Eds.), ASITA 2021, CCIS 1507, Geomatics and Geospatial Technologies. Proceedings of the 24th Italian Conference, ASITA 2021, pp. 106-119. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 (ISBN 978-3-030-94425-4).
  • Raco B., Vivaldo G., Doveri M., Menichini M., Masetti G., Battaglini R., Irace A., Fioraso G., Marcelli I., Brussolo E. (2021) – Geochemical, geostatistical and time series analysis techniques as a tool to achieve the Water Framework Directive goals: An example from Piedmont region (NW Italy). ( Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 229, October 2021, 106832. 20 pp. (ISSN 0375-6742).
  • Doveri M., Irace A., Lelli M., Masetti G., Menichini M., Nisi B., Raco B. (2020) - Dynamics of groundwater systems. In: A. Donato and E. Palazzi (eds.), Climate and environmental changes in the Italian mountains. Progetto Nazionale di Interesse Strategico NEXTDATA, Volume Finale, Capitolo 7.3. (ISBN 9788879580489)
  • Masetti G., Da Prato S., Menichini M, et al. (2017) – Dal modello concettuale al modello numerico: il caso di studio del sistema acquifero di Follonica (GR, Toscana meridionale). (DOI: 10.3301/ROL.2017.13). Rend. Online, Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 42 (2017), pp-54-58, 3 figs. (ISSN 2035-8008).
  • Masetti G. (2016) – Banca Dati dei Corpi Idrici Sotterranei della Regione Toscana. Modello logico e fisico dei dati. Dizionario degli attributi delle classi. Rapporto tecnico (Convenzione Igg/Lamma del 07/02/2014), Rep. Biblioteca Cnr-Igg n. 11176, marzo 2016, 18 pp.
  • Masetti G., Da Prato S. (2016) – Banca Dati Sottosuolo della Regione Toscana. Modello logico e fisico dei dati. Dizionario degli attributi delle classi. Rapporto tecnico (Convenzione Igg/Lamma del 07/02/2014), Rep. Biblioteca Cnr-Igg n. 11177, marzo 2016, 13 pp.
  • Menichini M., Da Prato S., Doveri M., Ellero A., Lelli M., Masetti G., Nisi B., Raco B. (2015) – An integrated methodology to define Protection Zones for groundwater-based drinking water sources: an example from the Tuscany Region, Italy. (DOI 10.7343/AS-102-15-0129) Acque Sotterranee – Italian Journal of Groundwater, Vol. 4, n. 139, 21-27. (ISSN 1828-454X).
  • Raco B., Buccianti A., Corongiu M., Lavorini G., Macera P., Manetti F., Mari R., Masetti G., Menichetti S., Nisi B., Protano G., Romanelli S. (2015) – GEOBASI: The geochemical Database of Tuscany Region (Italy). (DOI 10.7343/AS-100-15-027) Acque Sotterranee – Italian Journal of Groundwater, Vol. 4, n. 139, 7-18. (ISSN 1828-454X).
  • Autori vari (2014) – VIGOR: Sviluppo geotermico nelle Regioni della Convergenza. Progetto VIGOR – Valutazione del Potenziale Geotermico nelle Regioni della Convergenza, POI Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007-2013, CNR-IGG (ISBN: 9788879580113)
  • Masetti G., Ottria G., Ghiselli F., Ambrogio A., Rossi G., Zanolini L. (2013) – Multidisciplinary Study of the Torrio Landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy) in: C. Margottini et al. (eds.), Landslide Science and Practice, Vol. 1, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-31325-7_23, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013. (ISBN 978-3-642-31324-0)
  • Vaselli L., Ellero A., Masetti G., Ottria G. (2013) – Contributo dell’analisi geologico-strutturale allo studio dei massi erratici delle Alpi Apuane: dati preliminari sul blocco della Rondinella (Vagli di Sopra, Lucca). Acta apuana, IX-X (2010-2011), 29-42.
  • Doveri M., Nisi B., Cerrina Feroni A., Ellero A., Menichini M., Lelli M., Masetti G., Da Prato S., Principe C., Raco B. (2012) - Geological, hydrodynamic and geochemical features of the volcanic aquifer of Mt. Amiata (Tuscany, Central Italy): an overview. Acta Vulcanologica, 23 (1-2), 2011 / 24 (1-2), 2012, 51-72. (ISSN 1121-9114)
  • Conti P., Carmignani L., Massa G., Meccheri M., Fantozzi P.L., Masetti G. & Rossetto R. (2012) – Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 – Foglio 260 Viareggio. ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, 145 pp.
  • Raco B., Cerrina Feroni A., Da Prato S., Doveri M., Ellero A., Lelli M., Masetti G., Nisi B., Marini L. (2011) - Environmental Security Issues Related to Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities on Groundwater: Examples from the Real World. In: A. Scozzari A., El Mansouri B. (edited by): Water Security in the Mediterranean Region. An international evaluation of management, control and governance approaches. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1623-0_11, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 11, 153-162. (ISBN 978-94-007-1622-3)
  • Cerrina Feroni A., Da Prato S., Doveri M., Ellero A., Lelli M., Marini L., Masetti G., Nisi B. & Raco B. (2010) – Corpi idrici sotterranei della Val di Cecina. Editore Manetti P., Memorie descrittive della Carta Geologica d’Italia, vol. LXXXIX, pp. 99. (ISSN 0536-0242; ISBN 978-88-240-2962-9)
  • Cerrina Feroni A., Ellero A., Masetti G., Ottria G., Pardini E. (2008) – I Corpi Idrici Sotterranei Significativi della Regione Toscana (DGRT 225/2003). Inquadramento regionale. Perimetrazione e ricostruzione. Prospettive e sviluppi. Regione Toscana, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Consorzio LaMMa. Centro stampa Giunta Regione Toscana (pp. 134).