First NameBrunella
Last NameRaco
RoleSenior Researcher
Phone050 6212320
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  • 1988: Master of Science in Geological Sciences; degree earned at the University of Pisa, with the maximum vote of 110/110 cum laude, through the defense of the thesis “COS in geothermal fluids: thermodynamic implications”.
  • 1991-1993: Grant of the National Research Council (call N.201.05.17, 19 February 1991).
  • 1993-1997: Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Sciences (IX cycle), at the University of Pisa, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences; thesis title: “The CO2 flux from soil: study of the fundamental parameters and applicability to volcanic surveillance”.
  • 1998-1999: Grant of the National Research Council (call N.201.05.31, 20 March 1997).
  • From 2001 to present: permanent researcher at the Institute of Geosciences and Georesources of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa,


  • She carries out researches on the environmental monitoring of different natural matrices, especially on gas emissions into the atmosphere and water pollution, including acid drainage in derelict mine areas.
  • The main objectives of the research activity was addressed to the use of Applied Geochemistry for the mitigation of the risks of volcanic eruptions, limnic eruptions, and seismic events, as well as for the exploration and exploitation of geothermal resources and for environmental forensic and pollution fingerprinting. These research activities were performed in cooperation with researchers working for different institutions, in the framework of several projects, at regional, national, and European level.


  • She participates to the following research projects:
    •  (i) 2010-2015: “GeoBases-Tuscany”, funded by the Tuscany Region, as coordinator; the projects belongs to the thematic area “Protection of water resources” and is aimed at the determination of the natural geochemical baselines for some potentially harmful substances, including antimony; IGG-CNR and the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena are involved into the project;
    •  (ii) 2010-2015: “Characterization of the Significant Subterranean Water Bodies of the Tuscany Region”, funded by the LaMMa Consortium-Tuscany Region, as Scientific Responsible for geochemistry;
  • Since 2004 she’s Lecturer of Applied Hydrogeology, Environmental Monitoring, and Environmental Geochemistry at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences of the University of Pisa, for the course of study to earn the degree of Master of Science in “Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and the Territory”. In this function, she is also tutor of several theses.


  • Raco, B; Dotsika, E; Poutoukis, D; Battaglini, R; Chantzi, P; "O–H–C isotope ratio determination in wine in order to be used as a fingerprint of its regional origin,Food chemistry,168,,588-594,2015,Elsevier
  • Raco, B; Battaglini, R; Dotsika, E; ",New isotopic (δ 13 C CO2–δ 13 C CH4) fractionation factor limits and chemical characterization of landfill gas,Journal of Geochemical Exploration,145,40-50,2014,Elsevier
  • Nisi, B; Raco, B; Dotsika, E; "Groundwater Contamination Studies by Environmental Isotopes: A review, 2014,Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Raco, B; Battaglini, R; Lelli, M; "Gas emission into the atmosphere from controlled landfills: an example from Legoli landfill (Tuscany, Italy)"Environmental Science and Pollution Research,17,6,1197-1206,2010,Springer
  • Raco, B; Dotsika, E; Battaglini, R; Bulleri, E; Doveri, M; Papakostantinou, K; "A quick and reliable method to detect and quantify contamination from MSW landfills: a case study,"Water, Air, & Soil Pollution"224,3,1-18,2013,Springer Netherlands