European Researchers’ Night
The European Researchers’ Night (ERN) is an initiative of the European Commission that involves thousands of researchers and research institutions every year in Europe, since 2005. The aim is to create opportunities for researchers and citizens to meet and to encourage the dissemination of scientific culture and knowledge about science in an informal and stimulating context.
Italy has immediately joined the European initiative developing so many projects that traditionally it is considered one of the European countries with the largest number of events.
Tuscany Region, following the European Researchers’ Night initiative, launched the project called BRIGHT or “Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in research”.
BRIGHT brings the researchers in the squares and streets of the historical center of the involved cities and opens the doors of the laboratories to the citizens. During BRIGHT, that takes place each year on the last Friday in September, citizens have the opportunity to talk to the researchers and appreciate the results of their research and their impact on life, on the great challenges of the future, on the development of society, on the knowledge of natural phenomena, etc...
The National Research Council, inside the CNR Research campus of Pisa, has actively participate in BRIGHT since 2014. The Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources has enthusiastically joined this interesting scientific initiative and each year promotes different activities and proposal aimed at adults and children.