IGG Library
The library of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) was founded in 2002. Subsequently expanded with new acquisitions, currently has about 2800 volumes, over 10.500 documents (abstracts, scientific and technical reports, gray literature, in many cases, unique material) and, for the field of earth sciences, has access to 320 journals on-line.It is mainly developed on the fields of basic and applied research on geothermal energy, hydrogeology, geology, environmental geochemistry, containment of greenhouse gases, the volcanology and geophysics.
The magazines are available in hard copy at the Library of the Research, CNR, Pisa.The books are available at the library of the IGG.This library materials is listed here: FREE OPAC online public access catalog, on the web page of the Library Area. The IGG is part of the library information system and digital OCTOPUS-PUMA, with whom he created the GEO database, where data are collected in digital form of bibliographic records.
Digital documents are available full-text if it is not confidential or copyrighted. In the Library are also abstracts, scientific and technical reports, gray literature, yet cataloged with the decimal system and not listed on the GEO.

Description of assets: Currently has a consistency of 3000 books and 40 periodicals.There is also a section of over 9000 titles of Geothermal Energy, which is perhaps a unique heritage in the world.
Phone: +39 050 3152396
Responsible: Giuliana De Grandis (giulianadegrandis@igg.cnr.it)
Mode of access: It can access the Library of IGG from Monday to Friday during the following hours: morning 09:30 to 13:00, afternoon 14:00 to 17:00
Disciplines: geochemistry, Geothermics, Geology, Petrology.