The Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, in accordance with the latest government measures aimed at overcom the Covid-19 emergency in our country, has promoted a series of online seminars transmitted in real time and with the possibility of direct intervention by the participants. To stay up to date on the upcoming seminars, visit the "News" section of the website, where the next events will be announced. ing

Below is a list of the seminars already held, for each of which you can find the link to the talk recording and the slides provided by the speaker.

1. Pattern in geomorfologia: il caso delle ripple eoliche

On Thursday 26th of March, Dr. Antonello Provenzale, Director of the Institute of Geoscience and Earth resources gave a first webinar entitled: “Pattern in geomorfologia: il caso delle ripple eoliche.”

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

2. Cambiamenti climatici ed effetti sulle risorse idriche

On Thursday 2nd of April, Dr. Marco Doveri, gave a webinar for the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources entitled: “Cambiamenti climatici ed effetti sulle risorse idriche”.

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

3. Stretti tidali: come identificarli, come comprenderli, come rimanerne affascinati. Criteri geologici di base per la loro identificazione nel rock record.

On Thursday 9th of April, Sergio Longhitano, Professor of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy at the Department of Science of the University of Basilicata, a worldwide expert in sedimentology of the sea straits, held an online seminar for the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources entitled "Stretti tidali: come identificarli, come comprenderli, come rimanerne affascinati. Criteri geologici di base per la loro identificazione nel rock record".

The seminar recording is available at the following link:

Click here to view and download the presentation slides. 

4. Long-term and transient tectonic deformation of the Central Southern Andes (~36°S) inferred with passive seismic methods

On Thursday 16th of April, Prof. Matteo Lupi, Head of the “Group of Crustal Deformation and Fluid Flow” at the University of Geneva, gave a webinar for the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources entitled: “Long-term and transient tectonic deformation of the Central Southern Andes (~36°S) inferred with passive seismic methods”.

The seminar recording is available at the following link

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

5. Origin and metamorphic reworking of the Buca della Vena Tl-rich orebody (Alpi Apuane)

On Thursday the 23rd of April, Dr. Simone Vezzoni gave a webinar entitled “Origin and metamorphic reworking of the Buca della Vena Tl-rich orebody (Alpi Apuane)” about a project he carried out at the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources.

The seminar recording is available at the following link

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

6. Virtual Paleo IGG meeting

The first "Virtual Paleo IGG meeting" has been held on 29 April. A day dedicated to "Extreme climates and rapid transitions: insights from the geological record from the deep to the recent past”, which has included numerous seminars and a final discussion.

The seminar recording is available at the following link

7. Metodi di studio per la comprensione delle pericolosità idrogeologiche nei centri storici urbani: casi di studio nella città di Roma

On Thursday 7th of May at 11:00, Dr. Cristina Di Salvo, of the Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering (IGAG-CNR), gave a webinar entitled “Metodi di studio per la comprensione delle pericolosità idrogeologiche nei centri storici urbani: casi di studio nella città di Roma.

During the seminar, the researcher showed recent studies concerning the geological and hydrogeological hazards of the historic centre of Rome.

The seminar recording is available at the following link

Click here to view and download the presentation slides. 

9. La sostanza organica disciolta: una componente chiave del ciclo del carbonio in mare

On Thursday 21th of May at 11:00, Dr. Chiara Santinelli, of the Institute of Biophysics (CNR-IBF), gave a webinar entitled “La sostanza organica disciolta: una componente chiave del ciclo del carbonio in mare.

The seminar recording is available at the following link

10. I solfuri delle ofioliti toscane: dalla dorsale oceanica giurassica all’orogene appenninico

On Thursday 11th of June at 11:00, Dr. Andrea Dini, of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG), gave a webinar entitled “I solfuri delle ofioliti toscane: dalla dorsale oceanica giurassica all’orogene appenninico".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

11. The lower continental crust record of Large Magmatic Events: The CAMP “smell” at the base of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone

On Thursday 18th of June at 11:00, Dr. Antonio Langone, of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG), gave a webinar entitled “The lower continental crust record of Large Magmatic Events: The CAMP “smell” at the base of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

12. Distribuzione e caratteristiche di deformazione e magmatismo durante il rifting e la rottura continentale in Etiopia

On Thursday 25 of June at 11:00, Dr. Giacomo Corti, of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG), gave a webinar entitled “Distribuzione e caratteristiche di deformazione e magmatismo durante il rifting e la rottura continentale in Etiopia".

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

The seminar recording is available at the following link

13. Il magmatismo Cenozoico innescato dalla convergenza Africa-Arabia-Eurasia

On Thursday 2nd of July at 11:00, Dr. Samuele Agostini, of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG), gave a webinar entitled “Il magmatismo Cenozoico innescato dalla convergenza Africa-Arabia-Eurasia".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

14. Holocene human-environment interaction in arid lands

On Thursday 9nd of July at 11:00, Prof. Andrea Zerboni of the Department of Earth Sciences "A. Desio", University of Milano, gave a webinar entitled “Holocene human-environment interaction in arid lands".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

15. Tephra fingerprinting, tefrostratigrafia e tefrocronologia nelle successioni sedimentarie mioceniche del Bacino di Pisco (Perù)

On Thursday 17 of September, Dr. Giulia Bosio of the University of Milano Bicocca, gave a webinar entitled “Tephra fingerprinting, tefrostratigrafia e tefrocronologia nelle successioni sedimentarie mioceniche del Bacino di Pisco (Perù)".

Click here to view and download the presentation slides. 

16. Palynology of the CPE (CarnianPluvial Episode) and the origin of the Triassic amber

On Thursday 1 of October, Dr. Guido Roghi, gave a webinar entitled “Palynology of the CPE (CarnianPluvial Episode) and the origin of the Triassic amber".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

17. Do we need CCS?

On Thursday 26 November, Dr. Chiara Boschi, gave a webinar entitled “Do we need CCS?".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

18. New examples of surface-deep Earth interactions from extensional mountain ranges

On Thursday 10 December, Dr. Pietro Sternai, gave a webinar entitled “New examples of surface-deep Earth interactions from extensional mountain ranges".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

19. Telerilevamento UAS e sensori per l'altissima risoluzione

On Thursday 21 January, Dr. Andrea Berton, gave a webinar entitled “Telerilevamento UAS e sensori per l'altissima risoluzione"

The seminar recording is available at the following link

Click here to view and download the presentation slides.

20. BASE CNR PIANOSA – Avamposto Naturale della Ricerca Multidisciplinare

On Thursday 28 January, Marco Doveri, Matia Menichini e Sandra Trifirò gave a webinar entitled “BASE CNR PIANOSA – Avamposto Naturale della Ricerca Multidisciplinare"

The seminar recording is available at the following link

21. Raman spectroscopy in geological and environmental sciences. New insights into the identification of hazardous mineral fibres

On Thursday 11 February Dr. Jasmine Petriglieri, gave a webinar entitled “Raman spectroscopy in geological and environmental sciences. New insights into the identification of hazardous mineral fibres".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

22. Geochemistry and Limnology of Volcanic Lakes

On Thursday 25 February Dr. Jacopo Cabassi, gave a webinar entitled “Geochemistry and Limnology of Volcanic Lakes".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

23. Monte Amiata volcano (Tuscany, Italy) in the history of volcanology - Its role in the definition of “ignimbrite” concepts and in the development of the “rheoignimbrite” model of Alfred Rittmann

On Thursday 18 March Dr. Claudia Principe, gave a webinar entitled “Monte Amiata volcano (Tuscany, Italy) in the history of volcanology - Its role in the definition of “ignimbrite” concepts and in the development of the “rheoignimbrite” model of Alfred Rittmann"

The seminar recording is available at the following link

24. A complex networks approach to marine connectivity through sea surface temperature

On Thursday 8 april Dr. Ljuba Novi (CNR-IGG), gave a webinar entitled “A complex networks approach to marine connectivity through sea surface temperature".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

25. X-ray total scattering methods for the characterization of smart nitrate-doped calcium phosphate nano-fertilizer

On Thursday 22 April Dr. Gregorio Dal Sasso (CNR-IGG), gave a webinar entitled “X-ray total scattering methods for the characterization of smart nitrate-doped calcium phosphate nano-fertilizer".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

26. Oceanic accretion in the slow-spreading Equatorial Atlantic ocean: tectonic vs magmatic spreading

On Thursday 6 May, Dr. Valentin Basch, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pavia, gave a webinar entitled “Oceanic accretion in the slow-spreading Equatorial Atlantic ocean: tectonic vs magmatic spreading".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

27. Deep drilling at the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex (IODP Expedition 360): Understanding the formation of an ultraslow spreading oceanic crust

On Thursday 20 May, Dr. Carlotta Ferrando, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pavia, gave a webinar entitled “Deep drilling at the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex (IODP Expedition 360): Understanding the formation of an ultraslow spreading oceanic crust".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

28. THE CHANGING ARCTIC CRITICAL ZONE In the Bayelva Basin Ny Ålesund, Svalbard

On Thursday, June 10, Mariasilvia Giamberini, Marta Magnani and Antonello Provenzale of the Institute of Geosciences and Georisorse gave a webinar entitled “THE CHANGING ARCTIC CRITICAL ZONE In the Bayelva Basin Ny Ålesund, Svalbard".

The seminar recording is available at the following link

29. Sea-level evolution since the last glacial maximum. New data and open issues in different geographic and climate contexts

On Thursday, June 24, Dr. Matteo Vacchi, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa, gave a webinar entitled “Sea-level evolution since the last glacial maximum. New data and open issues in different geographic and climate contexts".

The seminar recording is available at the following link


30. Le nuove frontiere della geotermia: concetti, progetti in corso e necessità di ricerca, innovazione e sviluppo

On Thursday, July 8, Dr. Adele Manzella of Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of CNR, gave a webinar entitled “Le nuove frontiere della geotermia: concetti, progetti in corso e necessità di ricerca, innovazione e sviluppo".

The seminar recording is available at the following link