Giuseppe Ottria
First Name | Giuseppe |
Last Name | Ottria |
Unit | Pisa | | |
Role | Researcher |
Phone | 050 2215747 |
- 1990-1997 National Research Council scholarship
- 17 July 1986 graduated in Geological Sciences at the University of Pisa
- 2001 Researcher at the National Research Council (CNR-IGG, Pisa)
- Tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines (Italy)
- Brittle deformation in the metamorphic units of the Apuan Alps (Italy)
- Transpressional evolution of High Atlas and Variscan belt in Morocco and North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey)
- Geological mapping
- Geological dissemination (Geopark project)
- 2008-2012 Member of the Board of Directors of the Regional Park of the Apuan Alps (Tuscany Region, Italy)
- 2009-2011 CNR scientific manager of the “Geological-structural study aimed at the definition of the brittle deformation systems of quarries in the marble basin of Carrara (Apuan Alps, Italy)” (Agreement between CNR/DST of Pisa University and AZIENDA U.S.L. Massa-Carrara).
- 2007-2010 Scientific manager of the “Geological-geomorphological study of Torrio and Roccamurata areas” (Agreement between CNR and Emilia-Romagna Region).
- 2006-2011 Scientific manager of the Research Grant “Geological survey and structural analysis of the brittle deformation systems in the Apuan Metamorphic Units”.
- 2004-2008 Scientific manager of the “Geological-structural study of the brittle deformation systems of the Apuan Alps marbles for the reconstruction of the paleostress field” (Agreement between CNR and AZIENDA U.S.L. Massa-Carrara).
- 2004-2006 Scientific manager of the Research Grant “Geological-structural survey and structural analysis at the mesoscale of the Oligocene-Miocene foredeep units directed towards the definition of the Northern Apennine evolution”.
- 2004 Scientific manager of the “Integrated geological studies in the Futa Pass area (Tuscan-Emilia Apennines)” (Agreement between CNR and Sanpellegrino S.p.A.).
- Sayit K, Marroni M, Göncuoglu MC, Pandolfi L, Ellero A, OTTRIA G., Frassi C (2015). Geological setting and geochemical signatures of the mafic rocks from the Intra-Pontide Suture Zone: implications for the geodynamic reconstruction of the Mesozoic Neotethys. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, ISSN: 1437-3254, doi: 10.1007/s00531-015-1202-2
- Amorfini A, Bartelletti A, OTTRIA G. (2015). Enhancing the Geological Heritage of the Apuan Alps Geopark (Italy). From Geoheritage to Geoparks. p. 199-214, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-319-10707-3, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10708-0_14
- Malusà MG, Faccenna C, Baldwin SL, Fitzgerald PG, Rossetti F, Balestrieri ML, Danisik M, Ellero A, OTTRIA G., Piromallo C (2015). Contrasting styles of (U)HP rock exhumation along the Cenozoic Adria-Europe plate boundary (Western Alps, Calabria, Corsica). GEOCHEMISTRY, GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS, ISSN: 1525-2027, doi: 10.1002/2015GC005767
- Ellero A, OTTRIA G., Marroni M, Pandolfi L, Goncüoglu M.C (2014). Analysis of the North Anatolian Shear Zone in Central Pontides (northern Turkey): Insight for geometries and kinematics of deformation structures in a transpressional zone. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY; p. 1-18, ISSN: 0191-8141, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.12.003
- Vaselli L, Cortecci G, Tonarini S, OTTRIA G., Mussi M (2012). Conditions for veining and origin of mineralizing fluids in the Alpi Apuane (NW Tuscany,Italy): evidence from structural and geochemical analyses on calcite veins hosted in Carrara marbles. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, vol. 44; p. 76-92, ISSN: 0191-8141, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2012.09.016