First NameMariasilvia
Last NameGiamberini
Phone050 6212383


Master Degree cum laude in Chemistry, University of Pisa, with a thesis on “Structure and dynamics of montmorillonite/methylmethacrylate copolymers interlayer complexes by means of 13C solid state NMR.

Master degree in Environmental Management and Control, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, with a thesis on the environmental management of SMEs and the application of the European Regulation EMAS.


Since the degree, her interests have been directed towards the application of environmental technologies to industries for the improvement of their environmental performances. She took part to several European and national projects aimed to the technology transfer of novel technologies to the leather industries and to the waste management sector, and she applied novel geochemical investigation methods to the characterisation of air, groundwater and soils of contaminated sites, of landfills and to environmental impact assessment studies, working for a university spin-off company devoted to environmental engineering until 2011.

After joining CNR in 2011, her interests moved to geochemistry of water and air contaminants and then to the study of geosphere-biosphere interactions in soils and vegetation in order to understand climate and earth surface processes.

She has been visiting research fellow at the Environmental Science Centre of the Qatar University from 2014 to 2016.

Her current scientific activity investigates chemical and biochemical processes that occur in order to interpret changes in alpine and arctic tundra (Gran Paradiso National Park and Svalbard Archipelago), by measuring and modelling the carbon fluxes between soil, vegetation and atmosphere in the frame of understanding Earth Critical Zone behaviour.


Beyond research activities, she plays an important role in support services for scientific research in her institute:

Technical services: Head of the “laboratory for bio-geochemical flux measurements”; Chemical analysis of major and trace components in aqueous and solid matrixes. In charge for the management of non-domestic waste and regulatory compliance of IGG-CNR; in charge for the planning and organisation of human resources training;

Science dissemination: since 2012: Member of the Scientific Committee “Areaperta” that promotes and organises scientific divulgation conferences and initiatives; member of the scientific dissemination initiative “4 Elements” of the Department of Science of the Earth System and Environmental Technologies of CNR; Until 2019: Science dissemination coordinator and communication manager for the H2020 project ECOPOTENTIAL. She has organised and conducted a number of dissemination activities including photo exhibitions and conferences, and she has taken part to the Genova Science Festival, the most prestigious event in Italy for science dissemination.

Member of the Science and Technology Foresight Committee of the Presidency of CNR;

Member of the Geo Global Ecosystems Initiative (GEO ECO) and of the Climate Change working group of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO);

Member of the Terrestrial Ecology Arctic Flagship Initiative of the Ny Ålesund Science Manager Committee;

She has been involved in the H2020 projects ECOPOTENTIAL (2015-2019) coordinated by IGG-CNR, GEOENVI (2018-to date), and in the national projects NextData (until 2018) and Atlante Geotermico del Mezzogiorno (until 2016); Currently she is taking part to the H2020 projects eLTER+, e-shape, EOTiST.


Scientific publications:

Marta Magnani, Ilaria Baneschi, Mariasilvia Giamberini, Pietro Mosca, Brunella Raco, Antonello Provenzale:  Drivers of carbon fluxes in Alpine tundra: a comparison of three empirical model approaches; Science of the Total Environment 732 (2020) 139139. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139139.

Thonicke, K.,Bahn, M.,Lavorel, S.,Bardgett, R. D.,Erb, K.,Giamberini, MS: Advancing the understanding of adaptive capacity of social‐ecological systems to absorb climate extremes (2020); Earth's Future, 8, e2019EF001221 -

C.A. Guerra, L. Pendleton, E.G. Drakou, V. Proença, W. Appeltans, T. Domingos, G. Geller, M. Giamberini, M. Gill, H. Hummel, S. Imperio, M. McGeoch, A. Provenzale, I. Serral, A. Stritih, E. Turak, P. Vihervaara, A. Ziemba, H.M. Pereira: Finding the Essential: Improving Conservation Monitoring Across Scale; Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019.

B. Alfoldy M. M. K. Mahfouz O. Yigiterhan M. A. Safi A. E. Elnaiem S.Giamberini  BTEX, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and ozone concentrations at traffic influenced and background urban sites in an arid environment; Atmospheric Pollution Research (2018);

Oguz Yigiterhan, Balint Z. Alfoldy, Mariasilvia Giamberini, Jesse C. Turner, Ebrahim S. Al-Ansari, Mohamed A. Abdel-Moati, Ibrahim A. Al-Maslamani, Mohamed M. Kotb, Elnaiem A. Elobaid, Hassan M. Hassan, Jeffrey P. Obbard, James W. Murray: Geochemical composition of Aeolian dust and surface deposits from the Qatar Peninsula (2018);  Chemical Geology Volume 476, 5 January 2018, Pages 24-45 -

Selected publications on conference proceedings:

Mariasilvia Giamberini, Ilaria Baneschi, Matteo Lelli, Marta Magnani, Brunella Raco, Antonello Provenzale. “A Critical Zone Approach to Carbon Fluxes in the Arctic Tundra”; Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2020 – Volume 22.

Marta Magnani, Ilaria Baneschi, Mariasilvia Giamberini, Brunella Raco, Pietro Mosca, and Antonello Provenzale: “Drivers of carbon fluxes in high-altitude Alpine Critical Zone: a novel data-based model”; Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2020 – Volume 22.

Ilaria Baneschi, Ashlee Dere, Emma Aronson, Ramona Balint, Sharon Billings, Silvia Giamberini, Marta Magnani, Pietro Mosca, Maddalena Pennisi, Antonello Provenzale, Brunella Raco,Pamela L. Sullivan, and Timothy White: The Nivolet CZ Ecosystem Observatory reveals rapid soil development in recently deglaciated alpine environments: Biotic weathering is the likely culprit. Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2020 – Volume 22.

Maria Silvia Giamberini, Marta Magnani, Pietro Mosca, Antonello Provenzale, and Brunella Raco: The Nivolet Critical Zone Observatory: exploring relationships between carbon fluxes and geology;  Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2019 – Volume 21.

Marta Magnani, Ilaria Baneschi, Mariasilvia Giamberini, Pietro Mosca, and Antonello Provenzale: Modelling high-altitude Critical Zone in Alpine meadows; Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2019 – Volume 21.

Antonello Provenzale, Ilaria Baneschi, Stefano Ferraris, Mariasilvia Giamberini, Massimo Guidi, Pietro Mosca, Elisa Palazzi, Maddalena Pennisi, and Brunella Raco: Carbon fluxes in high-altitude prairies: results from the Critical Zone Observatory at Nivolet; Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2018 – Volume 20.

Antonello Provenzale, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Arnon Karnieli, Carmela Marangi, Mariasilvia Giamberini, and Simona Imperio: Geosphere-biosphere interactions in European Protected Areas: a view from the H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL Project; Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union EGU2017 – Volume 19

Baneschi, Cerrato, Ferraris, Giamberini, Imperio, Provenzale, Viterbi: Changes in Alpine grassland of Grand Paradiso National Park (Italy): first results from CO2 fluxes monitoring programme, in: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas,  2017 (6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Salzburg (AT), 2017).

M.S. Giamberini, M. Guidi, V. Campigli, A. Cozzolino: Principal Component Analysis and Isotopic Determination as investigation tools for underground contamination in case of mixing and exchange processes; Proceedings of the 10th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari) 3-7 October  2005

M.S. Giamberini, P. Andreussi, G. Falcone, M. Guidi: A Conceptual Model for Underground Water Contamination from an Old Municipal Solid Waste Landfill;  proceedings of the  Sardinia Symposium 2003, 9th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari) 6-10  October  2003

More than 20 other scientific presentations at international conferences including EGU in Vienna and AGU Fall meeting.

Science outreach:

NEREUS, European Space Agency and European Commission, 2018, “The Ever Growing use of Copernicus across Europe’s Regions: a selection of 99 user stories by local and regional authorities”, 277 pages; Co-author of the following  4 articles:

  • Copernicus Sentinel Data for Local Scale Conservation Activities;
  • Improving Coastal Ecosystem Benefits Under Increasing Pressure;
  • Monitoring Mountain Grassland to Sustain Wild Herbivores;
  • Enabling Earth Observation for Protected Areas.

The Birth of a New Ocean (articolo di divulgazione scientifica su invito pubblicato sulla rivista on line dell’European Geosciences Union (EGU) Imaggeo)

“I Parchi naturali visti dai satelliti” pubblicato su Voci del Parco, Rivista di divulgazione del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso.

Copernicus Sentinel-2 helps preserve wild herbivores' habitat in the Alps; articolo pubblicato su invito sulla rivista on line “Sentinel Success Stories” dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea.

Teacher at many professional training courses, including the Master Degree in Environmental Management at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, from 1997 to 2006, and tutor of Master Degree thesis

Organiser of more than 50 science dissemination conferences, workshops and other events including photo exhibitions at museums and EU institutions and open laboratories for the European Researcher’s Night.

More than 30 oral presentations and science dissemination international events, including an invited presentation at the Copenhagen documentary film festival in 2018.