First NameEugenio
Last NameTrumpy
RoleSenior Technologist
Phone050 6212324
Research Gate
Google Scholar


  • 2001 Degree in Geological Sciences; University of Pisa
  • 2002 Geographical Information System Technician (Sperimental Profile – RT20000187 – European level 2)
  • 2003 Professional abilitation, Geologist
  • 2007-2008 Scolarship Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S. Anna, Pisa
  • 2012 PhD in Earth Sciences; University of Pisa
  • 2009-2013 Research fellow; CNR- Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources
  • 2013 Technologist CNR- Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources


  • His research activities include the design, the organization and implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for Geological, Geothermal and Geophysical digital data, data dissemination and conventional and un-conventional geothermal resource assessment as well as earth resources.
  • His expertise includes Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Spatial Data Integration, 3D geological modelling, Spatial Analysis, Decision Support System, Business intelligence tools applied on geothermal data, Modelling using GIS.


  • Since 2007 is in charge the design and management of the Italian Geothermal Database for CNR - IGG.
  • Since 2015 participates in DESCRAMBLE EU-project, supported by H2020, for the activity related to data dissemination.
  • Since 2012 participates in Geothermal ERA-NET, funded by FP7, mainly for the activities on the assessment on the implementation of e European Geothermal Information Platform.
  • Since 2011 is involved in Geothermal Atlas projects for the implementation of the national geothermal information platform and the computation of the favourability maps for conventional and un-conventional geothermal resources.
  • Involved in VIGOR project as CNR-IGG referent for Data collection and organization activities, and participating in geothermal potential assessment at local scale in Mazara del Vallo area and at regional scale.
  • Partecipated in GEOELEC project, supported by Intelligent Energy Europe, in particular for the collection of data needed for the European geothermal assessment.


  • Molli, G., Doveri, M., Manzella, A., Bonini, L., Botti, F., Menichini, M., Montanari, D., Trumpy, E., Ungari, A. & Vaselli, L. Surface-subsurface structural architecture and groundwater flowof the Equi Terme hydrothermal area, northern Tuscany Italy. Ital. J. Geosci. (Boll. Soc. Geol. It.), Vol. 134, No. _ (2015), pp. 00-00, 12 figs. (doi: 10.3301/IJG.2014.25)
  • Trumpy E., Donato A., Gianelli G., Gola G., Minissale A., Montanari D., Santilano A., Manzella A. Data Integration and favourability maps for exploring geothermal systems in Sicily, southern Italy. Geothermics, 56 (2015) 1–16;
  • Trumpy E., Bertani R., Manzella A., Sanders M. The web-oriented framework of the world geothermal production database: a business intelligence platform for wide data distribution and analysis. Renewable Energy, 74, 379-389, 2015;
  • Montanari D., Albanese C., Catalano R., Contino A., Fedi M., Gola G., Iorio M., La Manna M., Monteleone S., Trumpy E., Valenti V., Manzella A. (2015). Contour map of the top of the regional geothermal reservoir of Sicily (Italy). Journal of Maps, 11, 13-24. doi: 10.1080/17445647.2014.935503
  • Limberger J., Calcagno P., Manzella A., Trumpy E., Boxem T., Pluymaekers M. P. D., and van Wees J.-D. Assessing the prospective resource base for enhanced geothermal systems in Europe, Geoth. Energ. Sci., 2, 55-71, doi:10.5194/gtes-2-55-2014, 2014;