First NameMatteo
Last NameLelli
Phone050 6212321
Research Gate


  • 1993-1999: Degree in geology (110/110 cum laude), University of Pisa. Title of thesis: “La geochimica nello studio delle risorse geotermiche dell’isola di Lipari”.
  • 1999: Abilitazione Geologo (National Examination to qualify as registered geologist), University of Siena.
  • 2002-2005: Ph.D in earth sciences, University of Pisa. Title of thesis: “Impatto ambientale dei vulcani: aspetti metodologici per lo studio degli effetti delle interazioni dei fluidi vulcanici su acqua e aria nell’isola di Vulcano”.
  • 2005-2007: Research contract (IGG-CNR in Pisa) regarding the application and improvement of specific techniques for estimating total gas flux from landfill surfaces and from volcanic/geothermal areas.
  • 2008 to present (permanent full time since December 2011): Researcher at CNR (IGG, Pisa).


  • Fluid geohemistry applied to geothermal exploration aimed at the evaluation and exploitation of the resource (Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina).
  • Application of geochemical techniques for mitigation of volcanic risk and prediction of volcanic eruptions of active Italian volcanoes (projects in collaboration with the Civil Protection Department, INGV-Roma1 and University of RomaTre).
  • Design, verification and installation of geochemical continuously monitoring stations for measurements of main physical-chemical parameters and concentration of dissolved gases in natural waters and for estimation of gas flux diffused from soils in various environmental contexts.
  • Definition of environmental risk for water resources and air in natural systems and/or modified by human activity.


  • 2015: chemistry responsible for the IGG-Headquarter water laboratory and for staff training of the IGG;
  • 2015: INGV-Roma1 associated researcher for monitoring program of active volcanic areas, mitigation of gas hazard due to release of endogenous gases, exploration and evaluation of geothermal potential;
  •  Since 2013: IGG responsible for MINSC program (MINeral Scale Program - European FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network), regarding problem of silica scale deposition in pipes of geothermal power plant (Hellisheidi, Iceland);
  • 2010–2014: chemistry responsible for one of the IGG-Headquarter gas laboratories;
  • 2009-2012: scientific consultant for the Energia Andina S.A. (Santiago - Cile) society, for geochemical exploration studies aimed to the evaluation and exploitation of geothermal resources in Chile. Besides field work, n°4 training courses (40 hours each one) on the application of fluid geochemistry in geothermal exploration studies have been organized and carried out;
  • 2007-2008: Contract professor for the “Pollution and remediation of contamined sites” course, included in the official course of “Applied Hydrogeology” (Degree in “Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente ed il Territorio” – University of Pisa);
  • 2008-2010: IGG-Pisa scientific responsible for research collaborations Enel_IGG-Pisa.


  • Berro Himenez F., Lelli M., Minardi I., Virgili G. (2014). A procedure for eliminating sulfide interference on silica colorimetric analysis. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 78(6), pp. 1417-1422.
  • Barberi F., Carapezza M.L., Cioni R., Lelli M., Menichini M., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Tarchini L. (2013). New geochemical investigations in Platanares and Azacualpa geothermal sites (Honduras). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., vol. 257, pp. 113-134.
  • Lelli, M., Grassi, S., Amadori, M., Franceschini, F. (2013). Natural Cr(VI) contamination of groundwater in the Cecina coastal area and its inner sectors (Tuscany, Italy). Environmental Earth Science, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2776-2.
  • Carapezza, M.L., Lelli M., Tarchini L. (2008). Geochemistry of the Albano and Nemi crater lakes in the volcanic district of Alban Hills (Rome, Italy). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. Spec. Vol. “Volcanic Lakes”, vol. 178, pp. 297-304.
  • Lelli, M., Cioni, R., Marini, L. (2008). The double solid reactant method: II. An application to the shallow groundwaters of the Porto Plain, Vulcano Island (Italy). Environmental Geology, vol. 56, 139-158.