Matia Menichini
First Name | Matia |
Last Name | Menichini |
Unit | Pisa | | |
Role | Researcher |
Phone | 050 6212327 |
- 2012: PhD in Earth Sciences (Galileo Galilei PhD Program - University of Pisa). Thesis in conceptual and numerical hydrogeological modeling: “A multidisciplinary approach to define the hydrogeological model of aquifer systems in the "Fiume Versilia" catchment and the adjacent coastal plain (Northwest Tuscany, Italy)”;
- 2010: “Course on numerical modeling of flow and transport in aquifer system” (Dr. Daniel Feinstein-USGS and Dott.ssa Tullia Bonomi - Università di Milano - Bicocca)
- 2007-2008: Scholarship for specialization, scientific/technological and development activities of interdisciplinary resources for the enhancement of geothermal resources (CEGL- Centro d’Eccellenza per la Geotermia di Larderello);
- 2006: Degree in Geological Science cum laude (University of Pisa). Thesis in water and gas geochemistry: “Degassamento diffuso in Italia: contributo alla valutazione del rischio gas nell'area geotermica di Larderello”.
- Main research activitiesconcern the characterization, the quantitative and qualitative degradation, safeguard and strategic role of water resources in the framework of the research program “water resources protection and contaminants traceability”. Such as activities are developed by means of an integrated approach that involves structural/geological, hydrogeological, geochemical/isotopic, and also numerical modeling tools. The main issues are:
- definition of conceptual model of aquifer systems;
- sustainability of the exploitation and safeguard of water resources;
- flow and transport numerical modeling of groundwater systems.
- Main projects:
- Ministerial project (Ministry of Industry - IT) ACQUASENSE “Innovative Monitoring System for Drinkable Water”;
- Protection zones of drinking water catchments (project funded by Tuscany Region);
- Hydrogeological-geochemical study of aquifer systems into the gravelly confined aquifer of the Pisan Plain system (project funded by Regional natural park Authority);
- Geological, hydrogeological and geochemical characterization of the Significant Groundwater Bodies of Tuscany (project funded by Tuscany Region);
- Hydrogeological, isotopic and chemical study of the aquifer system groundwater of the Pianosa Island - Tuscany (project funded by Provincia di Livorno).
- Responsible for several training projects regarding hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical topics.
- In the 2010/2011 academic years: assignment for integrative teaching of Applied Hydrogeology for the Environmental Sciences Course (University of di Pisa).
- Co-tutor for several Theses of Hydrogeology (University of Pisa).
- Doveri M., Menichini M. & Scozzari A. (2015). Protection of groundwater resources: worldwide regulations, scientific approaches and case study. In: Scozzari A, Dotsika E (edited by): “Threats to the quality of groundwater resources: prevention and control" by Andrea Scozzari and Elissavet. Springer (in press).
- El Mezoury L., El Mansouri B., Kabbaj S., Scozzari S., Doveri M., Kili M. & Menichini M. (2015). Numerical modelling of the seasonal variation of the groundwater quality in the aquifer Magra River, Italy. La Houille Blanche, 2, 25-31.
- Molli G., Doveri M., Manzella A., Bonini L., Botti F., Menichini M., Montanari D., Trumpy E., Ungari A. & Vaselli L. (2015). Surface - subsurface structural architecture and groundwater flow of the Equi Terme hydrothermal area, northern Tuscany Italy, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 10/2015, 134(3),1-16.
- Barberi F., Carapezza M.L., Cioni R., Lelli M., Menichini M., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Tarchini L. (2013) New geochemical investigation in Platanares and Azacualpa geothermal sites (Honduras). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal resources, vol. 257:113-134.
- Doveri M., Menichini M. & Cerrina Feroni A. (2013). Stable water isotopes as fundamental tool in karst aquifer studies: some results from isotopic applications in the Apuan Alps carbonatic complexes (NW Tuscany). IJEGE, 1, 33-50.