Fabrizio Piana
First Name | Fabrizio |
Last Name | Piana |
Unit | Torino |
fabrizio.piana@cnr.it | |
Role | Senior Researcher |
Phone | 011 6705356 |
Google Scholar link | https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=V5aTiy4AAAAJ&hl=it |
- Born in Biella on 03/05/1957
- Geologist
- PhD in Earth Sciences, 1991
- Senior Researcher at CNR-IGG since 1994
Structural geology, geological mapping, semantic data base design, geological modeling, geomechanics, geoengineering. Geological researches and mapping in Western Alps, Northern and central Apennines, Morocco
- Coordinator of the IGG Research Line “Geological and Environmental Hazard”
- Head of IGG Torino territorial unit (2006-2011)
- Coordinator of the IGG Research Line “Geological Systems” (2007-2015)
- Coordinator of National and International mapping programs (Italy, Morocco)
- President of Gi-RES srl, a CNR spin off company founded in 2011
- Coordinator of geological and geo-engineering applied researches (dams, tunnels, power plants, mines, excavation in asbestos-bearing rocks, large landslides, seismic hazard, funded by private enterprises and public administrations (UE VFP, MedOcc, ENEL, S. Autostrade, ENI, COCIV, Unicalce, ARPA Piemonte, Regione Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, Toscana etc…)
- Professor of Structural Analysis and Geology at Turin University (2000-2010)
- Member of the Directive Council of the Gran Paradiso National Park (2012-2016), appointed by the Minister of the Environment
- Member of the Academy of Sciences of Torino, since 2014
- d'Atri, A., Piana, F., Barale, L., Bertok, C., & Martire, L. (2016): Geological setting of the southern termination of Western Alps. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105, 1831-1858
- Luca Barale, Carlo Bertok, Anna d'Atri, Luca Martire, Fabrizio Piana, Gabriele Domini (2015): Geology of the Entracque–Colle di Tenda area (Maritime Alps, NW Italy). Journal of Maps 03/2015; DOI:10.1080/17445647.2015.1024293
- Fabrizio Piana, Stefano Battaglia, Carlo Bertok, Anna d'Atri, Alessandro Ellero, Leonardo Leoni, Luca Martire, Elena Perotti (2014): Illite (KI) and chlorite (AI) “crystallinity” indices as a constraint for the evolution of the External Briançonnais Front in Western Ligurian Alps (NW Italy). Italian Journal of Geosciences 10/2014; 133(3):445-454. DOI:10.3301/IJG.2014.21
- G. Perrone, M. Morelli, F. Piana, G. Fioraso, G. Nicolò, L. Mallen, P. Cadoppia, G. Balestroa, S. Tallone (2013): Current tectonic activity and differential uplift along the Cottian Alps/Po Plain boundary (NW Italy) as derived by PS-InSAR data. Journal of Geodynamics, 66:65-78
- Michele Morelli, Fabrizio Piana, Luca Mallen, Gabriele Nicolò, Gianfranco Fioraso (2011): Iso-Kinematic Maps from statistical analysis of PS-InSAR data of Piemonte, NW Italy: Comparison with geological kinematic trends. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(5):1188–1201.