VAPORE Project
The long life of a landfill
Resp. Dr Brunella Raco
“VAPORE” project points to quantify the residual capacity of Stabilised Organic Fraction (SOF) and already buried waste, to produce biogas in anaerobic conditions. For these last, the aim is to evaluate, quantitatively and qualitatively, the residual potential to produce gas, whereas for SOF the main interest is focused to define the rate of stabilization reached by mechanical-biological treatment.
To achieve the project aims, IGG-CNR, in cooperation with DIEF Florence and TerreLogiche Srl, cofinanced by Belvedere Spa, has planned a series of biogas standard production test (BMP, GB21), chemical analysis (CH4, CO2, N2, O2, Ar, H2, H2S) and isotopic analysis (d13CCO2, d13CCH4) of the gases produced by the standard tests (at 3, 7, 14, 21 e 91 days). In addition, the project includes also elemental analysis of the solid matrices (C, N, H, O). A mathematical modelling of long term gas production is also foreseen; the model will be calibrated on results of laboratory test and analysis. The project will allow to estimate the rate of decay of landfill gas (LFG) production, giving indication on the landfill life in term of quantity and composition of LFG. Morover, by means of isotopic and chemical characterization, the project will provide the identification of the main fermentation processes responsible of biogas production.