IMAGE Project

IMAGE (Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration) is a European project, co-funded for four years (2013/11/01 – 2017/10/31) by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development 2007-2013.
The Project involves 19 partners from 9 different countries including Research Institutions, Universities and Companies active in geothermal energy in Europe.
The IMAGE project will develop a reliable science based exploration and assessment method to "IMAGE" geothermal reservoirs using an interdisciplinary approach based on three general pillars: understanding the processes and properties that control the spatial distribution of critical exploration parameters at European to local scales; improving well-established exploration techniques for imaging and detection beyond the current state of the art and testing of novel geological, geophysical and geochemical methods to provide reliable information on critical subsurface exploration parameters; demonstration of the added value of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach for site characterization and wellsiting, based on conceptual advances, improved models/parameters and exploration techniques developed in the project.

CNR coordination: Adele Manzella, CNR-IGG

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