The IRGIE project (Inventory of the Geothermal Resources of the Aeolian Islands) is the result of a synergy between the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the Sicilian Region. Its objective is to facilitate the sustainable energy autonomy of the islands of the Aeolian archipelago, with particular regard to geothermal energy. The purpose of the research is to investigate in detail the geothermal potential of the Aeolian Islands for the utilisation of the resource in the low, medium and high temperature range. The CNR-IGG's involvement in the project concerns WP2 "Geothermal fluid characterisation", which aims to study the chemical composition, temperature and pressure of the fluid, and to develop conceptual geochemical models of the geothermal systems under investigation. The first step is to collaborate with the partners in the definition of a database based on previous publications, to support the sampling phase at the Aeolian archipelago, concerning the collection of samples for chemical and isotopic analyses on water and gas from wells, springs, thermal manifestations and fumarolic areas. The IGG staff is also involved in WP4 "Estimation of Geothermal Potential", and in particular in the activities required for the development of a numerical model of reactive flow on sites of particular geothermal interest, in order to investigate the state of the system before the operation and its possible response after the operation. The work to be carried out, following the acquisition and processing of data, as well as the modelling, will also concern the dissemination and dissemination of results and the analysis of social and environmental aspects.
The project is financed by the Department of Energy of the Sicilian Region - Department of Energy and Public Utilities.
For more information:
Start Date: August 23, 2023
Duration: 30 months
Project Coordinator: Dr. Monia Procesi, INGV (
CNR scientific referee: Dr. Jacopo Cabassi, CNR-IGG (