LEAP-RE (Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy) is Horizon 2020 EU-funded project, in response to the LC-SC3-JA-5-2020 H2020 call for proposal.
The duration of the action will be 63 months as of 1 October 2020 (‘starting date of the action’).
LEAP-RE seeks to create a long-term partnership of African and European stakeholders in the field of renewable energy. Within 5 years, LEAP-RE will support collaborative research and innovation projects, as well as develop renewable energy related innovations directly as part of the project. LEAP-RE is based on the expertise of organisations on both continents and from all sectors : government, research and academia, private sector and civil society. Together, they will share knowledge and methods to effectively contribute to fighting climate change while enabling access to clean energy for all.
The project opted for a large-scale, inclusive consortium of 96 partners from 34 countries and 2 international organisations, to ensure a broad thematic, geographical and stakeholder coverage, and to demonstrate the feasibility of the collaboration and build trust in view of a long-term partnership addressing the post-2025 period.
LEAP-RE is structured around three pillars: Pillar 1 focuses on external research funding and capacity-building implemented through open calls for proposals. Pillar 2 brings together European and African operators in 8 research and/or innovation projects selected in early 2020 by the consortium; Pillar 3 programme management and all strategic activities to strengthen the community, maximize impact and build the future long-term AU-EU partnership.
The project is articulated in 17 Work Packages. CNR is involved in the WP9, so called "Geothermal Atlas for Africa (GAA)" project with the following activities: task 1) collection of all existing geological-structural, geochemical, geophysical, thermal and petrophysical data necessary for the characterization of the subsurface and African geothermal systems; task 4) use of all information available from the preceding Tasks to deliver the Geothermal Atlas for Africa; task 5) creation of links between researchers and institutions in Africa and Europe.
CNR Scientific Responsible: Eugenio Trumpy (CNR-IGG, eugenio.trumpy@igg.cnr.it)
Link to project web site: https://www.leap-re.eu/