Sedimentology and Geotechnics Laboratory
The CNR-IGG sedimentology and geotechnics laboratory is designed to perform surface sampling operations, to apply and develop analytical methodologies to determine the textural and physical characteristics of loose materials of natural (marine and continental) and anthropic origin and to process the related analytical data.
• percussion and gravity coring;
• Van Veen grab sampler;
• Extractor hood fan ATSFAAR for the treating and preparation of the samples;
• Heraeus oven for the drying of the samples;
• hot plates;
• different size sample splitters;
• agate mortar;
• Giuliani sieve shakers
• ø 20, ø 30 cm sieve sets for particle size distribution from coarse gravel to fine sand;
• 1 L. measuring cylinders for particle size analysis (hydrometer method);
• Tecnotest liquid limit device;
• Atterberg’s limits test equipment;
• Set of Gay Lussac bottles, vacuum type desiccators, for the specific gravity determination;
• Ohaus Explorer techical weight scale;
• Optech reflected and transmitted light microscope
• Leitz ORTHOPLAN transmitted light microscope
• Leica digital camera for microscope
• automatic deionizer
• ultrasound tub machine
• magnetic stirrer
• sample storage refrigerator
The laboratory performs the following geotechnical tests:
Index properties determination (natural water content, volume weight);
Specific gravity determination by the pycnometer method;
Dry and wet particle size analysis;
Particle size analysis by the hydrometer method;
Atterberg’s limits;
Soils classification;
The laboratory performs the following sedimentological tests:
Measurement sampling, lithological and sedimentological description of geognostic surveys or outcropping sections.
Preparation and microscopic analysis of sediment samples (washed, thin sections, polished sections) aimed at the petrographic and sedimentological characterization (determination of sedimentary facies).
Textural and physical analysis of sediments from different natural or anthropic environments
Dry or wet particle size analysis of collected sediments.
The laboratory operates in the context of multidisciplinary projects concerning a wide variety of topics (geological, stratigraphic, hydrogeological, geotechnical, etc.), the lab can also contribute to studies concerning environmental characterization of deposits and soils, providing analytical services to public or private institutions.
2016-2017 Currently the laboratory performs analysis within an agreement between the Department of Earth System of the National Research Council and Italgas S.p.A. having as its object an "experimental verifications and comparative evaluations useful to check the conformity of gas distribution network in selected sections of the Italian territory".
As part of this project, the study and the experimental verification of the materials constituting the support and backfilling of the pipes of the Italgas distribution network, have been conducted through specific lithological and particle size analysis.
2016-2017 As part of the agreement stipulated between the LaMMA Consortium and the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of the CNR of Pisa, the laboratory is carrying out the geotechnical analysis of physical characterization (particle size analysis, Atterberg’s limits, specific gravity determination) of detrital covering materials on the slope for the implementation of lithological-technical databases to define the regionalized estimation of superficial landslide susceptibility, in specific areas of study of the Tuscany Region.
2017- As part of technical-scientific collaboration activities, the Laboratory of Sedimentology and Geotechnics IGG-CNR of Pisa has dealt with the analysis of samples of marine sediments and coastal lagoons for the functional restoration of the port Fertilia (SS), on behalf of CO.L.MAR srl. This analysis was conducted following a particle size and sedimentological analysis.
As part of environmental characterization studies, the IGG-CNR Sedimentology and Geotechnics Laboratory of Pisa has dealt with the description, the preparation and the analysis of sediment samples deriving from geognostic surveys. The results of these analyses were used for the description of the stratigraphic subsurface architecture of strategic areas, this contributed to identify the geometry of different degrees of permeability levels and contributed to the characterization of the chemistry of water circulation.
The laboratory proposes to collaborate on studies and research projects within the CNR Institute of which it is part, as well as with other Research Institutions and companies.
In 2016, 2017, the IGG-CNR sedimentology and geotechnics laboratory took part in activities related to the “Terza Missione”, hosting training and orientation apprenticeships for High school students within school-work projects (young apprenticeship programs).