JUICE's investigation: Jupiter and its icy moons

On Friday 14 April, at 14.14, the probe of the ESA mission "JUICE" was launched towards its destination. The scope of this mission is to explore the icy moons of Jupiter, namely Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, which will be reached in about 8 years. In this mission, the Italian scientific, technological and industrial communities play a crucial role, coordinated by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The ASI project "JUICE Phase E" involves also the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, with the goal of simulating the dynamics of the ice-covered subsurface ocean of Ganymede.

For more information visit the ESA (https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Juice) website and ASI https://www.asi.it/en/planets-stars-universe/solar-system-and-beyond/juice/) website.