Pubblicazioni 2019
AGOSTINI S., SAVASCIN M., DI GIUSEPPE P., DI STEFANO F., KARAOGLU O., LUSTRINO M., MANETTI P., ERSOY Y., KÜRÜM S., ÖNAL A. - 2019 - Neogene volcanism in Elazig-Tunceli area (eastern Anatolia): geochronological and petrological constraints. Italian Journal of Geosciences, v. 138, n. 3, pp. 435 - 455.
AHMADI P., GHORBAN M.R., COLTORTI M., KURITANI T., CAI Y., FIORETTI A.M., BRASCHI E., GIACOMONI P.P., AGHABAZAZ F., BABAZADEH S., CONTICELLI S. - 2019 - High-Nb hawaiite–mugearite and high-Mg calc-alkaline lavas from northeastern Iran: Oligo-Miocene melts from modified mantle wedge. International Geology Review. v. 61, n. 2, pp. 150 - 174.
ALFOLDY B., MAHFOUZ M., YIGITERHAN O., SAFI M., ELNAIEM A., GIAMBERINI S. - 2019 - BTEX, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and ozone concentrations at traffic influenced and background urban sites in an arid environment. Atmospheric Pollution Research, v. 10, n. 2, pp. 445 - 454.
ANGEL R.J., MIOZZI F., ALVARO M. - 2019 - Limits to the validity of Thermal-Pressure Equations of State. Minerals v. 9, n. 9, p. 11.
ANZOLINI C., WANG F., HARRIS G., LOCOCK A., ZHANG D., NESTOLA F., PERUZZO L., JACOBSEN S., PEARSON D. - 2019 - Nixonite, Na2Ti6O13, a new mineral from a metasomatized mantle garnet pyroxenite from the western Rae Craton, Darby kimberlite field, Canada. American Mineralogist, v. 104, pp. 1336 - 1344.
APOLLARO C., BUCCIANTI A., VESPASIANO G., VARDÈ M., FUOCO I., BARCA D., BLOISE A., MIRIELLO D., COFONE F., SERVIDIO A., DE ROSA R. - 2019 - Comparative geochemical study between the tap waters and the bottled mineral waters in Calabria (Southern Italy) by compositional data analysis (CoDA) developments. Applied Geochemistry, v. 107, August, pp. 19 - 33.
BABADI M., MEHRABI B., TASSI F., CABASSI J., VASELLI O., SHAKERI A., PECCHIONI E., VENTURI S., ZELENSKI M., CHAPLYGIN I. - 2019 - Origin of fluids from mud volcanoes in SE Iran. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 106, August, pp. 190 - 205.
BACCANI G., BONECHI L., BONGI M., BROCCHINI D., CASAGLI N., CIARANFI R., CIMMINO L., CIULI V., D'ALESSANDRO R., DEL VENTISETTE C., DINI A., GIGLI G., GONZI S., GUIDERI S., LOMBARDI L., MELON B., MORI N., NOCENTINI M., NOLI P., SARACINO G., VILANI L. - 2019 - Muon radiography of ancient mines: the San Silvestro archaeo-mining park (Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany). Universe, v. 5 article n. 34, p. 10.
BARBERO E., FESTA A., SACCANI E., CATANZARITI R., D'ONOFRIO R. - 2019 - Redefinition of the Ligurian Units at the Alps-Apennines junction (NW Italy) and their role in the evolution of the Ligurian accretionary wedge: constraints from mélanges and broken formations. Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 177, n. 3, pp. 562 - 574.
BARCELONA, H., LELLI, M., NORELLI, F., PERI, G., WINOCUR, D. - 2019 - Hydrochemical and geological model of the Bañitos-Gollete geothermal system in Valle del Cura, main Andes Cordillera of San Juan, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 96, December, article n. 102378, p. 15.
BARONI C., BONDESAN A., CARTURAN L., CHIARLE M. - 2019 - Annual glaciological survey of Italian Glaciers (2018) Campagna glaciologica annuale dei Ghiacciai italiani (2018). Geografia Fisica Dinamica Quaternario, v. 42, n. 2, pp. 113 - 202.
BARNES J.D.1, CULLEN J., BARKER S., AGOSTINI S., PENNISTON-DORLAND S., LASSITER J.C., KLÜGEL A., WALLACE L. - 2019 - The role of the upper plate in controlling fluid-mobile element (Cl, Li, B) cycling through subduction zones: Hikurangi forearc, New Zealand. Geosphere, v. 15, n. 3, pp. 642 - 658.
BARTIROMO A., GRAZIANO R., RASPINI A., BRAVI S. - 2019 - A new terrestrial plant-rich Fossil-Lagerstätte from the middle Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of the Apennine Carbonate Platform (Magliano Vetere, southern Italy): Depositional and palaeoenvironmental settings. Sedimentary Geology, v. 388, June, pp. 37 - 65.
BASCH V., RAMPONE E., BORGHINI G., FERRANDO C., ZANETTI A. - 2019 - Origin of pyroxenites in the oceanic mantle and their implications on the reactive percolation of depleted melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 174, December, article n. 97, 25 p.
BELLAFIORE D., FERRARIN C., BRAGA F., ZAGGIA L., MAICU F., LORENZETTI G., MANFÈ G., BRANDO V., DE PASCALIS F. - 2019 - Coastal mixing in multiple-mouth deltas: A case study in the Po delta, Italy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 226, October, article n. 106254, p. 15.
BELLANI S., GHERARDI F. - 2019 - Thermal conductivity characterization of Larderello and Mt. Amiata geothermal fields, Italy. Annual Meeting of Geothermal Resources Council International, Palm Springs, USA, 15 - 18 September 2019, v. 43, pp. 540 - 549.
BERNO D., SANFILIPPO A., ZANETTI A.,TRIBUZIO R. - 2019 - Reactive melt migration controls the trace element budget of the lower oceanic crust: insights from the troctolite-olivine gabbro association of the Pineto ophiolite (Corsica, France). Ofioliti, v. 44, n. 2, pp. 71 - 82.
BERRETTI E., GIACCHERINI A., MONTEGROSSI G., D'ACAPITO F., DI BENEDETTO F., ZAFFERONI C., PURI A., LEPORE G., MILLER H., GIURLANI W., INNOCENTI M., VIZZA F., LAVACCHI A. - 2019 - In-situ quantification of nanoparticles oxidation: A fixed energy X-ray absorption approch. Catalysis, v. 9, n. 8, article n. 659, 12 p.
BERTOK C., BARALE L., D'ATRI A., MARTIRE L., PIANA F., ROSSETTI P., GERDES A. - 2019 - Unusual marbles in a non-metamorphic succession of the SW Alps (Valdieri, Italy) due to early Oligocene hydrothermal flow. International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 108, n. 2, pp. 693 - 712.
BIAGIONI C., MOËLO Y., MERLINO S., PASERO M., PAAR W.H., VEZZONI S., ZACCARINI F. - 2019 - Arsenmarcobaldiite, Pb12(As3.2Sb2.8)Σ=6S21, a new N = 3.5 jordanite homologue from the Sant’Anna tectonic window, Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 31, n. 5 - 6, pp. 1067 - 1077.
BIANCO C., GODARD G., HALTON A., BROGI A., LIOTTA D., CAGGIANELLI A. - 2019 - The lawsonite-glaucophane blueschists of Elba Island (Italy). Lithos, v. 348 - 349, December, article n. 105198, p. 18.
BONAZZI M., TUMIATI S., THOMAS J.B., ANGEL R.J., ALVARO M. - 2019 - Assessment of the reliability of elastic geobarometry with quartz inclusions. Lithos, v. 350 - 351, December, article n.105201, p.11.
BONECHI L., BACCANI G., BONGI M., BROCCHINI D., CASAGLI N., CIARANFI R., CIMMINO L., CIULLI V., D'ALESSANDRO R., DEL VENTISETTE C., DINI A., GIGLI G., GONZI S., GUIDERI S., LOMBARDI L., MELON B., MORI N., NOCENTINI M., NOLI P., SARACINO G., VILIANI L. - 2019 - Tests of a novel imaging algorithm to localize hidden objects or cavities with muon radiography. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, v. 377, n. 2137, 12 p.
BONINI M. - 2019 - Seismic loading of fault-controlled fluid seepage systems by great subduction earthquakes. Scientific Reports, v. 9, article n. 11332, p. 12.
BONINI M., CERCA M., MORATTI G., LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ M., CORTI G., GRACIA-MARROQUÍN D. - 2019 - Strain partitioning in highly oblique rift settings: Inferences from the southwestern margin of the Gulf of California (Baja California Sur, México). Tectonics, v. 38 , December, pp. 4426 - 4453.
BOONE S., BALESTRIERI M., KOHN B., CORTI G., GLEADOW A., SEILER C. - 2019 - Tectonothermal evolution of the broadly rifted zone, Ethiopian Rift. Tectonics, v. 38, n. 3, pp. 1070 - 1100.
BORETTO G., CONSOLONI I., MORÁN G.A., REGATTIERI E., GORDILLO S., FUCKS E., ZANCHETTA G., DALLAI L. - 2019 - Oxygen stable isotope analyses on Ameghinomya Antiqua shells: a promising tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction along the Quaternary Patagonian Argentina Coast?. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, v. 32, n. 1, pp. 57 - 72.
BOSI F., BIAGIONI C., OBERTI R. - 2019 - On the chemical identification and classification of minerals. Minerals, v. 9, n. 10, article n. 591, p. 12.
BRANCOLINI G., CIVILE D., DONDA F., TOSI L., ZECCHIN M., VOLPI V., ROSSI G., SANDRON D., FERRANTE G., FORLIN E. - 2019 - New insights on the Adria plate geodynamics from the northern Adriatic perspective. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 109, November, pp. 687 - 697.
BROGI A., PROSSER G. - 2019 - Introduction to the thematic collection 'apennines-tyrrhenian system'. Journal of the Geological Society, v . 176, 6, p.1.
BROMBIN V., BONADIMAN C., JOURDAN F., ROGHI G., COLTORTI M., WEBB L.E., CALLEGARO S., BELLIENI G., DE VECCHI G., SEDE R., MARZOLI A. - 2019 - Intraplate magmatism at a convergent plate boundary: the case of the Cenozoic northern Adria magmatism. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 192, May, pp. 355 - 378.
CABASSI J., CAPECCHIACCI F., MAGI F., VASELLI O., TASSI F., MONTALVO F., ESQUIVEL I., GRASSA F., CAPRAI A. - 2019 - Water and dissolved gas geochemistry at Coatepeque, Ilopango and Chanmico volcanic lakes (El Salvador, Central America). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 378, June, pp. 1 - 15.
CAPORUSCIO F., OBERTI R., SMYTH J. - 2019 - X-site control on rare earth elements in eclogitic garnets - an XDR study. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 31, n. 3, pp. 453 - 463.
CAPRARO L., TATEO F., FERRETTI P., FORNACIARI E., MACRÌ P., SCARPONI D., PRETO N., XIAN F., KONG X., XIE X. - 2019 - A Mediterranean perspective on 10Be, sedimentation and climate around the Matuyama/Brunhes boundary: les liaisons dangereuses?. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 226, December, article n. 106039, p.20.
CARDELLO G., DI VINCENZO G., GIORGETTI G., ZWINGMANN H., MANCKTELOW N. - 2019 - Initiation and development of the Pennine Basal Thrust (Swiss Alps): a structural and geochronological study of an exhumed megathrust. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 126, September, pp. 338 - 356.
CARDU M., CORAGLIOTTO D., ORESTE P. - 2019 - Analysis of predictor equations for determining the blast-induced vibration in rock blasting. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, v. 29, n. 6, pp. 905 - 915.
CERRATO C., ROCCHIA E., BRUNETTI M., BIONDA R., BASSANO B., PROVENZALE A., BONELLI S., VITERBI R. - 2019 - Butterfly distribution along altitudinal gradients: temporal changes over a short time period. Journal of Nature Conservation, vol. 34, special issue: Italian Long-Term Ecological Research for understanding ecosystem diversity and functioning. Case studies from aquatic, terrestrial and transitional domains. Mazzocchi M.G., Capotondi L., Freppaz M., Luglie A., Campanaro A (Eds), pp. 91 - 118.
CASALINI M., PENSA A., AVANZINELLI R., GIORDANO G., MATTEI M., CONTICELLI S. - 2019 - Geodynamics and magmatism of the Central Mediterranean. Memorie descrittive della Carta Geologica d'Italia, v. 104, pp. 9 - 30.
CAVAZZINI G. - 2019 - Archimedes’ Principle and the Concept of Gravitation. Applied Physics Research, v. 11, n. 6, pp. 9 - 18.
CELLONE F., CAROL E., TOSI L. - 2019 - Groundwater geochemistry in coastal wetlands: A case study in the Parque Costero del Sur biosphere reserve, Argentina. Catena, v. 182, November, article n. 104143, p. 9.
CERRATO R., CHERUBINI P., BÜNTGEN U., COPPOLA A., SALVATORE M., BARONI C. - 2019 - Tree-ring-based reconstruction of larch budmoth outbreaks in the Central Italian Alps since 1774 CE. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, v. 12, pp. 289 - 296.
CERRATO R., SALVATORE M., GUNNARSON B., LINDERHOLM H., CARTURAN L., BRUNETTI M., DE BLASI F., BARONI C. A. - 2019 - Pinus cembra L. tree-ring record for late spring to late summer temperature in the Rhaetian Alps, Italy. Dendrochronologia, v. 53, February, pp. 22 - 31.
CESARE B., NESTOLA F., JOHNSON T., MUGNAIOLI E., DELLA VENTURA G., PERUZZO L., BARTOLI O., VITI C., ERIKSON T. - 2019 - Garnet, the archetypal cubic mineral, grows tetragonal. Scientific Reports, v. 9, article n. 14672, p.13.
CHIODI A., TASSI F., BAÉZ W., FILIPOVICH R., BUSTOS E., GLOK GALLI M., SUZAÑO N., AHUMADA M. F., VIRAMONTE J., GIORDANO G., PECORAINO G., VASELLI O. - 2019 - Preliminary conceptual model of the Cerro Bianco caldera-hosted geothermal system (Southern Puna, Argentina): Inferences from geochemical investigations. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 94, October, p. 15.
CINTI D., VASELLI O., PONCIA P., BRUSCA L., GRASSA F., PROCESI M., TASSI F. - 2019 - Anomalous concentrations of arsenic, fluoride and radon in volcanic sedimentary aquifers from central Italy: Quality indexes for management of the water resource. Environmental Pollution, v. 253, October, pp. 525 - 537.
COCCIONI R., FRONTALINI F., CATANZARITI R., JOVANE L., RODELLI D., RODRIGUES I., SAVIAN J., GIORGIONI M., GALBRUN B. - 2019 - Paleoenvironmental signature of the Selandian-Thanetian Transition Event (STTE) and Early Late Paleocene Event (ELPE) in the Contessa Road section (western Neo-Tethys). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 523, June, pp. 62 - 77.
COLICA A., BENVENUTI M., CHIARANTINI L., COSTAGLIOLA P., LATTANZI P., RIMONDI V., RINALDI M. - 2019 - From point source to diffuse source of contaminants: The example of mercury dispersion in the Paglia River (Central Italy). Catena, v. 172, January, pp. 488 - 500.
CORNO A., MOSCA P., BORGHI A., GATTIGLIO M. - 2019 - Lithostratigraphy and petrography of the Monte Banchetta-Punta Rognosa oceanic succession (Troncea and Chisonetto Valleys, Western Alps). Ofioliti, v. 44, n. 2, pp. 83 - 95.
CORTI G., CIONI R., FRANCESCHINI Z., SANI F., SCAILLET S., MOLIN P., ISOLA I., MAZZARINI F., BRUNE S., KEIR D., ERBELLO A., MULUNEH A., ILLSLEY-KEMP F., GLERUM A. - 2019 - Aborted propagation of the Ethiopian rift caused by linkage with the Kenyan rift. Nature Communications, v. 10, article n. 1309, 11 p.
CRUCIANI G., FRANCESCHELLI M., LANGONE A., PUXEDDU M. - 2019 - U-Pb zircon and Ar-Ar amphibole ages from Sardinian migmatites (Italy) and review of migmatite ages from the Variscan belt. Periodico di Mineralogia, v. 88, n. 2, pp. 203 - 219.
DA LIO C., TOSI L. - 2019 - Vulnerability to relative sea-level rise in the Po river delta (Italy). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 228, n. 15, article n. 106379, p. 14.
DALLA SANTA G., FARINA Z., ANBERGEN H., RÜHAAK W., GALGARO A. - 2019 - Relevance of computing freeze-thaw effects for borehole heat exchanger modelling: A comparative case study. Geothermics, v. 79, May, pp. 164 - 175.
DALLAI L., BIANCHINI G., AVANZINELLI R., NATALI C., CONTICELLI S. - 2019 - Heavy oxygen recycled into the lithospheric mantle. Scientific Reports, v. 9, article n. 8793, p. 7.
DE FRANCO R., PETRACCHINI L., SCROCCA D., CAIELLI G., MONTEGROSSI G., SANTILANO A., MANZELLA A. - 2019 - Synthetic seismic reflection modelling in a supercritical geothermal system: an image of the K-horizon in the Larderello Field (Italy). Geofluids, v. 2019, article n. 8492453, p. 22.
DE GIUDICI G., MEDAS D., CIDU R., LATTANZI P., RIGONAT N., FRAU I., PODDA F., MARRAS P., DORE E., FRAU F., RIMONDI V., RUNKEL R., WANTY R., KIMBALL B. - 2019 - Assessment of origin and fate of contaminants along mining-affected Rio Montevecchio (SW Sardinia, Italy): A hydrologic-tracer and environmental mineralogy study. Applied Geochemistry, v. 109, October, article n. 104420, p. 12.
DEL VENTISETTE C., BONINI M., AGOSTINI A., CORTI G., MAESTRELLI D., MONTANARI D. - 2019 - Using different grain-size granular mixtures (quartz and K-feldspar sand) in analogue extensional models. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 129, December, article n. 103888. p. 12.
DERBYSHIRE E.J., O'DRISCOLL B., LENAZ D., ZANETTI A., GERTISSER R. - 2019 - Chromitite petrogenesis in the mantle section of the Ballantrae Ophiolite Complex (Scotland). Lithos, v. 344 - 345, November, pp. 51 - 67.
DI BENEDETTO F., GIACCHERINI A., MONTEGROSSI G., PARDI L.A., ZOLEO A., CAPOLUPO F., INNOCENTI M., LEPORE G.O., D’ACAPITO F., CAPACCI F., POLI C., IAIA T.E., BUCCIANTI A., ROMANELLI M. - 2019 - Chemical variability of artifcial stone powders in relation to their health effects. Scientific Reports, v. 9, April, article n. 6531, p.13.
DI PIERRO S., GROPPO C., COMPAGNONI R., CAPITANI G., MELLINI M. - 2019 - Fe-rich antigorite: a rock-forming mineral from low-temperature/high-pressure meta-ophicarbonates. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 31, n. 4, pp. 775 - 784.
DI ROSA M., FARINA F., MARRONI M., PANDOLFI L., GONCUOGLU M., ELLERO A., OTTRIA G. - 2019 - U-Pb zircon geochronology of intrusive rocks from an exotic block in the Late Cretaceous - Paleocene Tarakli Flysch (northern Turkey): Constraints on the tectonics of the Intrapontide suture zone. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 171, March, pp. 277 - 288.
DI ROSA M., FRASSI C., MARRONI M., MENEGHINI F., PANDOLFI L. - 2019 - Did the “Autochthonous” European foreland of Corsica Island (France) experience Alpine subduction?. Terra Nova, v. 32, n. 1, pp. 34 - 43.
DI ROSA M., FRASSI C., MENEGHINI F., MARRONI M., PANDOLFI L., DE GIORGI A. - 2019 - Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the European continental margin involved in the Alpine subduction: New insights from Alpine Corsica, France. Comptes rendus - Geoscience, v. 351, n. 5, pp. 384 - 394.
DI VINCENZO G., PENNACCHIONI G., BESTMANN M. - 2019 - Exploring the Ar isotope record of an early Miocene pseudotachylyte in an early Oligocene intrusion (Rieserferner pluton, eastern Alps). Lithos, v. 338 - 339, August, pp. 1 - 17.
DIELLA V., BOCCHIO R., MARINONI N., CAUCIA F., SPALLA M., ADAMO I., LANGONE A., MANCINI L. - 2019 - Garnets from Val d'Ala Rodingites, Piedmont, Italy: An investigation of their gemological, spectroscopic and crystal chemical properties. Journal Minerals, v. 9, n. 12, 18 p.
DOVERI M., STENNI B., PETRINI R., GIANNECCHINI R., DREOSSI G., MENICHINI M., GHEZZI L. - 2019 - Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of waters in a past-mining area of southern Apuan Alps (Italy): Hydrogeological characterization and implications on the fate of potentially toxic elements. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 205, October, p. 9.
DRYSDALE R., ZANCHETTA G., BANESCHI I., GUIDI M., ISOLA I., COUCHOUD I., PICCINI L., GREIG A., WONG H., WOODHEAD J., REGATTIERI E., CORRICK E., BENCE P., SPOTL C., DENSON E., GORDON J., JAILLET S., DUX F., HELLSTROM J. - 2019 - Partitioning of Mg, Sr, Ba and U into a subaqueous calcite speleothem. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 264, November, pp. 67 - 91.
DYULGEROV M., OBERTI R., PLATEVOET B., KADIYSKI M., RUSANOV V. - 2019 - Potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite, KNa2(MgFe2+Fe3+)5Si8O22(OH)2: mineral description and crystal chemistry. Mineralogical Magazine, v. 83, July, pp. 465 - 472.
FAGORZI C., DEL DUCA S., VENTURI S., CHIELLINI C., BACCI G., FANI R., TASSI F. - 2019 - Bacterial communities from extreme environments: Vulcano Island. Diversity, v. 11, n. 8, pp. 17.
FAVERO M., BELLUZZI E., FRALLONARDO P., PERUZZO L., TAURO L., OLIVIERO F., RAMONDA R., PUNZI L. - 2019 - Synovial fluid fetuin-A levels in patients affected by osteoarthritis with or without evidence of calcium crystals. Rheumatology, v. 58, n. 4, pp. 729 - 730.
FAZI S., UNGARO F., VENTURI S., VIMERCATI L., CRUZ VIGGI C., BARONTI S., UGOLINI F., CALZOLARI C., TASSI F., VASELLI O., RASCHI A., AULENTA F. - 2019 - Microbiomes in soils exposed to naturally high concentrations of CO2 (Bossoleto Mofette Tuscany, Italy). Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 10, October, article n. 2238, p. 17.
FESTA A., CAVAGNA S., BARBERO E., CATANZARITI R., PINI A. - 2019 - Mid-Eocene giant slope failure (sedimentary mélanges) in the Ligurian accretionary wedge (NW Italy) and relationships with tectonics, global climate change and the dissociation of gas hydrates. Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. August, pp. 1 - 12.
FIORASO G., BALESTRO G., FESTA A., LANTERI L. - 2019 - Role of structural inheritance in the gravitational deformation of the Monviso meta-ophiolite Complex: the Pui-Orgiera serpentinite landslide (Varaita Valley, Western Alps). Journal of Maps, v. 15, n. 2, pp. 372 - 381.
FRANCESCHI M., DAL CORSO J., COBIANCHI M., ROGHI G., PENASA L., PICOTTI V., PRETO N. - 2019 - Tethyan carbonate platform transformations during the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian–Pliensbachian, Southern Alps): comparison with the Late Triassic Carnian Pluvial Episode. GSA Bulletin, v. 131, n. 7 - 8, pp. 1255 - 1275.
FRANCESCONE F., LAURETANO V., BOULIGAND C., MORETTI M., SABATINO N., SCHRADER C., CATANZARITI R., HILGEN F., LANCI L., TURTÙ A., SPROVIERI M., LOURENS L., GALEOTTI S. - 2019 - A 9 million-year-long astrochronological record of the early-middle Eocene corroborated by seafloor spreading rates. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 131, n. 3 - 4, pp. 499 - 520.
GENEVEY A., PRINCIPE C., GALLET Y., CLEMENTE G., LE GOFF M., FOURNIER A., PALLECCHI P. - 2019 - Refining the high-fidelity archaeointensity curve for western Europe over the past millennium: analysis of Tuscan architectural bricks (Italy). In: Tema E., Di Chiara A., Herrero-Bervera, E. (eds.), Field variations in the past: New data, applications and recent advances Geological Society of London, Special publications, v. 497, p. 16.
GHEZZI L., D'ORAZIO M., DOVERI M., LELLI M., PETRINI R., GIANNECCHINI R. - 2019 - Groundwater and potentially toxic elements in a dismissed mining area: Thallium contamination of drinking spring water in the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 197, February, pp. 84 - 92.
GHEZZI L., IACCARINO S., CAROSI R., MONTOMOLI C., SIMONETTI M., PAUDYAL K., CIDU R., PETRINI R. - 2019 - Water quality and solute sources in the Marsyangdi river system of higher Himalayan range (west-central Nepal). Science of Total Environment, v. 677, August, pp. 580 - 589.
GIACCHERINI A., BALDASSARRE A., DONINI L., LEPORE G., CANESCHI A., DE LUCA A., INNOCENTI M., MONTEGROSSI G., CUCINOTTA G., OBERHAUSER W., PARDI L., ROMANELLI M., MANNINI M., DI BENEDETTO F. - 2019 - Sustainable synthesis of quaternary sulphides: The problem of the uptake of zinc in CZTS. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 775, February, pp. 1221 - 1229.
GIACCHERINI A., CUCINOTTA G., MARTINUZZI S., BERRETTI E., OBERHAUSER W., LAVACCHI A., LEPORE G., MONTEGROSSI G., ROMANELLI M., DE LUCA A., INNOCENTI M., MOGGI CECCHI V., MANNINI M., BUCCIANTI A., DI BENEDETTO F. - 2019 - Green and scalable synthesis of nanocrystalline kuramite. Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, v. 10, October, pp. 2073 - 2083.
GIACCIO B., LEICHER N., MANNELLA G., MONACO L., REGATTIERI E., WAGNER B., ZANCHETTA G., GAETA M., MARRA F., NOMADE S., PALLADINO D.M., PEREIRA A., SCHEIDT S., SOTTILI G., WONIK T., WULF S., ZEEDEN C., ARIZTEGUI D., CAVINATO G.P., DEAN J.R., FLORINDO F., LENG M.J., MACRÌ P., NIESPOLO E., RENNE P.R., ROLF C., SADORI L., THOMAS C., TZEDAKIS P.C. - 2019 - Extending the tephra and palaeoenvironmental record of the Central Mediterranean back to 430 ka: A new core from Fucino Basin, central Italy. Quaternary science reviews, v. 225, article n. 106003, p. 21.
GILIO M., SCAMBELLURI M., AGOSTINI S., GODARD M., PETERS D., PETTKE T. - 2019 - Petrology and geochemistry of serpentinites associated with the ultra-high pressure Lago di Cignana Unit (Italian Western Alps). Journal of Petrology, v. 60, n. 6, pp. 1229 - 1262.
GIORDANO D. - 2019 - Advances in the rheology of natural multiphase silicate melts: importance for magma transport and lava flow emplacement. Annals of Geophysics, v. 62, n. 2, p. 24.
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