Pubblicazioni 2014
ABBATE E., BRUNI P., FERRETTI M.P., DELMER C., LAURENZI M.A., HAGOS M., BEDRI O.,ROOK L., SAGRI M., LIBSEKAL Y. - 2014 - The East Africa Oligocene intertrappean beds: Regional distribution, depositional environments and Afro/Arabian mammal dispersals. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 99, pp. 463 - 489.
ABEBE ADHANA T. - 2014 - The occurrence of a complete continental rift type of volcanic rocks suite along the Yerer–Tullu Wellel Volcano Tectonic Lineament, Central Ethiopia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 99, Part 2, November, pp. 374 - 385.
AGNINI C., FORNACIARI E., RAFFI I., CATANZARITI R., PALIKE H., BACKMAN J., RIO D. - 2014 - Biozonation and biochronology of Paleogene calcareous nannofossils from low and middle latitudes. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, v. 47, n. 2, pp. 131 - 181.
ANTONIELLI B., MONSERRAT O., BONINI M., RIGHINI G., SANI F., LUZI G., FEYZULLAYEV A., ALIYEV C. - 2014 - Pre-eruptive ground deformation of Azerbaijan mud volcanoes detected through satellite radar interferometry (DInSAR). Tectonophysics, v. 637, pp. 163 - 177.
BACCOLO G., BARONI C., CLEMENZA M., DELMONTE B., MAGGI V., MOTTA A., NASTASI M., PREVITALI E., SALVATORE M.C. - 2014 - Neutron activation analysis on sediments from Victoria Land, Antarctica: multi-elemental characterization of potential atmospheric dust sources. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 299, n. 3, pp.1615 - 1623.
BALASSONE G., TOSCANO M., CAVAZZINI G., DE BONIS A., D'ORAZIO L., JOACHIMSKI M., WEIHE H., PROCHASKA W., MONDILLO N., MORMONE A., PETTI C., SOLPIETRO A. - 2014 - The history of the "Virgin with Child" sculpture (Ottaviano, Naples, southern Italy): Hypotheses from archaeometric multi-technique investigations. Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 15, pp. 414 - 423.
BALESTRINI R., POLESELLO S., SACCHI E. - 2014 - Chemistry and isotopic composition of precipitation and surface waters in Khumbu valley (Nepal Himalaya): N dynamics of high elevation basins. Science of the Total Environment, v. 485, pp. 681 - 692.
BALESTRO G., LOMBARDO B., VAGGELLI G., BORGHI A., FESTA A., GATTIGLIO M. - 2014 - Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex (Western Alps). Italian Journal of Geosciences, v. 133, n. 3, pp. 409 - 426.
BARONI C., BONDESAN A., MORTARA G. - 2014 - Report of the glaciological survey 2013. In: BARONI C., BONDESAN A., MORTARA G.(eds.). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, v. 37, n. 2, pp. 163 - 227.
BELLANI S., GHERARDI F. - 2014 - Thermal features of the Pisa plain, a neogenic basin in central Italy. Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Geothermal: A Global Solution. Transactions, n. 38, pp. 357 - 361.
BERRO F., LELLI M., MINARDI I., VIRGILI G. - 2014 - A procedure for eliminating sulfide interference on silica colorimetric analysis. Mineralogical Magazine, v. 78, n. 6, pp 1417 - 1422.
BERTINI A., MINISSALE A., RICCI M. - 2014 - Palynological approach in upper Quaternary terrestrial carbonates of central Italy: Anything but a "mission impossible". Sedimentology, v. 61, pp. 200 - 220.
BERTRAND H., FORNARI M., MARZOLI A., GARCIA-DUARTE R., SEMPERE T. - 2014 - The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province extends into Bolivia. Lithos, v. 188, pp. 33 - 43.
BIAGIONI C., ORLANDI P., PASERO M., NESTOLA F., BINDI L. - 2014 - Mapiquiroite, (Sr,Pb)(U,Y)Fe2(Ti,Fe3+)18O38, a new member of the crichtonite group from the Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 26, n. 3, pp. 427 - 437.
BIANCHINI G., BRYCE J.G., BLICHERT-TOFT J., BECCALUVA L., NATALI C. - 2014 - Mantle dynamics and secular variations beneath the East African Rift: Insights from peridotite xenoliths (Mega, Ethiopia). Chemical Geology, v. 386, October, pp. 49 - 58.
BINI M., ISOLA I., PAPPALARDO M., RIBOLINI A., FAVALLI M., RAGAINI L., ZANCHETTA G. - 2014 - Abrasive notches along the Atlantic Patagonian coast and their potential use as sea level markers: the case of Puerto Deseado (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 39, n. 11, pp. 1550 - 1558.
BONINI M., SANI F., STUCCHI E.M., MORATTI G., BENVENUTI M., MENNANO G., TANINI C. - 2014 - Late Miocene shortening of the Northern Apennines back-arc. Journal of Geodynamics, v. 74, pp. 1 - 31.
BORGHI A., D’ATRI A., MARTIRE L., CASTELLI D., COSTA E., DINO G., FAVERO LONGO S.E., FERRANDO S., GALLO L.M., GIARDINO M., GROPPO C., PIERVITTORI R., ROLFO F., ROSSETTI P., VAGGELLI G. - 2014 - Fragments of the Western Alpine chain as historic ornamental stones in Turin (Italy): a new geotouristic approach for the enhancement of urban geological heritage. Geoheritage Journal, v. 6, n. 1, pp. 41 - 55.
BRAGAGNI A., AVANZINELLI R., FREYMUTH H., FRANCALANCI L. - 2014 - Recycling of crystal mush-derived melts and short magma residence times revealed by U-series disequilibria at Stromboli volcano. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, v. 404, pp. 206 - 219.
BRASCHI E., FRANCALANCI L., TOMMASINI S., VOUGIOUKALAKIS G.E. - 2014 - Unraveling the hidden origin and migration of plagioclase phenocrysts by in situ Sr isotopes: the case of final dome activity at Nisyros volcano, Greece. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 167, art. n. 988, p. 25.
BUCCIANTI A., NISI B., MARTIN-FERNANDEZ J.A., PALAREA-ALBALADEJO J. - 2014 - Methods to investigate the geochemistry of groundwaters with values for nitrogen compounds below the detection limits. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 141, pp. 78 - 88.
CABASSI J., TASSI F., MAPELLI F., BORIN S., CALABRESE S., ROUWET D., CHIODINI G., MARASCO R., CHOUAIA B., AVINO R., VASELLI O., PECORAINO G., CAPECCHIACCI F., BICOCCHI G., CALIRO S., RAMIREZ C., MORA-AMADOR R. - 2014 - Geosphere-biosphere interactions in bio-activity volcanic lakes: Evidences from Hule and Rio Cuarto (Costa Rica). PLoS One, v. 9, n. 7, 26 p.
CALLEGARO S., RAPAILLE C., MARZOLI A., BERTRAND H., CHIARADIA M., REISBERG L., BELLIENI G., MARTINS L., MADEIRA J., MATA J., YOUBI N., DE MIN A., AZEVEDO M.R., BENSALAH M.K. - 2014 - Enriched mantle source for the Central Atlantic Magmatic province: New supporting evidence from southwestern Europe. Lithos, v. 188, pp. 15 - 32.
CARRARO A., DE GIACOMO A., GIANNOSSI M., MEDICI L., MUSCARELLA M., PALAZZO L., QUARATA V., SUMMA V., TATEO F. - 2014 - Clay minerals as adsorbents of aflatoxin M1 from contaminated milk and effects on milk quality. Applied Clay Science, v. 88 - 89, pp. 92 - 99.
CATALANO M., BELLUSO E., MIRIELLO D., BARRESE E., BLOISE A. - 2014 - Synthesis of Zn-doped talc in hydrothermal atmosphere. Crystal Research and Technology, v. 49, n. 5, pp. 283 - 289.
CATANZARITI R., GATT M. - 2014 - Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy from the middle/late miocene of Malta and Gozo (Central Mediterranean). Stratigraphy, v. 11, n. 3 - 4, pp. 303 - 336.
CHIODINI G., LICCIOLI C., VASELLI O., CALABRESE S., TASSI F., CALIRO S., CASELLI A., AGUSTO M., D’ALESSANDRO W. - 2014 - The Domuyo volcanic system: An enormous geothermal resource in Argentine Patagonia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 274, pp. 71-77.
CINTI D., TASSI F., PROCESSI M., BONINI M., CAPECCHIACCI F., VOLTATTORNI N., VASELLI O. - 2014 - Fluid geochemistry and geothermometry in the unexploited geothermal field of the Vicano-Cimino Volcanic District (Central Italy). Chemical Geology, v. 371, pp. 96 - 114.
COLONESE A., ZANCHETTA G., FALLICK A., MANGANELLI G., LO CASCIO P., HAUSMANN N., BANESCHI I., REGATTIERI E. - 2014 - Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of modern terrestrial gastropod shells from Lipari Island, Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 394, pp. 119 - 127.
COLUCCI R., MONEGATO G., ŽEBRE M. - 2014 - Glacial and proglacial deposits of the Resia valley (NE Italy): new insights on the onset and decay of the last alpine glacial maximum in the Julian alps. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, v. 27, n. 2, pp. 85 - 104.
COMODI P., BUCCIANTI A., ZUCCHINI A., MERLETTI M., BERGAMINI M., NAZZARENI S. - 2014 - Insights into the provenance of Roman moulds and poincons found at Scoppieto (Terni, Italy). Archeometry, v. 56, supplement 1, special issue, pp. 58 - 77.
CONTE A.M., MARTORELLI E., CALARCO M., SPOSATO A., PERINELLI C., COLTELLI M., CHIOCCHI F.L. - 2014 - The 1891 submarine eruption offshore Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Italy): Identification of the vent and characterization of products and eruptive style. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 15, n. 6, pp. 2555 - 2574.
CORTI G., ZEOLI A., IANDELLI I. - 2014 - Small-scale modeling of ice flow perturbations induced by sudden ice shelf breakup. Global and Planetary Change, v. 119, pp. 51 - 55.
CUCCINIELLO C., CHOUDHARY A.K., ZANETTI A., SHETH H.C., VICHARE S., PEREIRA R. - 2014 - Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Khopoli mafic intrusion, Deccan Traps, India. Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 108, n. 3, pp. 333 - 351.
DAL CORSO J., MARZOLI A., TATEO F., JENKYNS H.C., BERTRAND H., YOUBI N., MAHMOUDI A., FONT E., BURATI N., CIRILI S. - 2014 - The dawn of CAMP volcanism and its bearing on the end-Triassic carbon cycle disruption. Journal of the Geological Society, London, v. 171, pp. 153 - 164.
DELCONTE C.A., SACCHI E., RACCHETTI E., BARTOLI M., MAS-PLA J., RE V. - 2014 - Nitrogen inputs to a river course in a heavily impacted watershed: A combined hydrochemical and isotopic evaluation (Oglio River Basin, N Italy). Science of the total Environment, v. 466, pp. 924 - 938.
DELLA VENTURA G., BELLATRECCIA F., CAMARA F., OBERTI R. - 2014 - Crystal- chemistry and short-range order of fluoro-edenite and fluoro-pargasite: a combined X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy approach. Mineralogical Magazine, v. 78, n. 2, pp. 293 - 310.
DELLA VENTURA G., BELLATRECCIA F., RADICA F., CHOPIN C., OBERTI R. - 2014 -The arrojadite enigma III. The incorporation of volatiles: a polarised FTIR spectroscopy study. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 26, pp. 679 - 688.
DI BENEDETTO F., D'ACAPITO F., CAPACCI F., FORNACIAI G., INNOCENTI M., MONTEGROSSI G., OBERHAUSER W., PARDI L.A., ROMANELLI, M. - 2014 - Variability of the health effects of crystalline silica: Fe speciation in industrial quartz reagents and suspended dusts-insights from XAS spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, v. 41, n. 3, pp. 215 - 225.
DI PAOLO L., OLIVETTI V., CORRADO S., ALDEGA L., BALESTRIERI M., MANSICALCO R. - 2014 - Detecting the stepwise propagation of the Eastern Sicily thrust belt (Italy): insight from thermal and thermochronological constraints. Terra Nova, v. 26, n. 5, pp. 363 - 371.
DI SIPIO E., GALGARO A., DESTRO E., TEZA G., CHIESA S., GIARETTA A., MANZELLA A. - 2014 - Subsurface thermal conductivity assessment in Calabria (southern Italy): a regional case study. Environmental Earth Science, DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3277-7, 21 p.
DI VINCENZO G., GRANDE A., ROSSETTI F. - 2014 - Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks from northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): Provenance, timing of deformation, and implications for the Antarctica-Australia connection. GSA Bulletin, v. 126, n. 11/12, pp. 1416 - 1438.
DOVERI M., MUSSI M. - 2014 - Water isotopes as environmental tracers for conceptual understanding of groundwater flow: An application for fractured aquifer systems in the "Scansano-Magliano in Toscana" area (Southern Tuscany, Italy). Water, v. 6, pp. 2255 - 2277.
FONTANA A., MONEGATO G., DEVOTO S., ZAVAGNO E., BURLA I., CUCCHI F. - 2014 - Evolution of an Alpine fluvioglacial system at the LGM decay: the Cormor megafan (NE Italy). Geomorphology, v. 204, pp. 136 - 153.
FORNELLI A., LANGONE A., MICHELETTI F., PASCAZIO A., PICCARRETA G. - 2014 - The role of trace element partitioning between garnet, zircon and orthopyroxene on the interpretation of zircon U-Pb ages: an example from high-grade basement in Calabria (southern Italy). International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 103, n. 2, pp. 487 - 507.
FRANCALANCI L., BRASCHI E., DI SALVO S., LUCCHI F., PETRONE C.M. - 2014 - When magmas do not interact: paired Roman-age activity revealed by tephra studies at Stromboli volcano. Bullettin of Volcanology, v. 76, n. 12, p. 17.
FRANCESCHI M., DAL CORSO J., POSENATO R., ROGHI G., MASETTI D., JENKYNS H. - 2014 - Early Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) C-isotope perturbation and the diffusion of the Lithiotis Fauna: Insights from the western Tethys. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 410, pp. 255 - 263.
GADIKOTA G., NATALI C., BOSCHI C., ALISSA PARK A. - 2014 - Morphological changes during enhanced carbonation of asbestos containing material and its comparison to magnesium silicate minerals. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 264, pp. 42 - 52.
GENSKE F., TURNER S., BEIER C., CHU M., TONARINI S., PEARSON N., HAASE K. - 2014 - Lithium and boron isotope systematics in lavas from the Azores islands reveal crustal assimilation. Chemical Geology, v. 373, pp. 27 - 36.
GHERARDI F., AUDIGANE P. - 2014 - Geochemical reactivity in CO2 geological storage sites. Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology, v. 4, n. 2 special issue, pp. 157 - 159.
GHERARDI F., DROGHIERI E., MAGRO G. - 2014 - Hydrothermal processes at Aluto-Langano (Ethiopia): Insights from the stable carbon isotope composition of fluid inclusions. Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting: Geothermal: A Global Solution. Transactions n. 38, pp. 449 - 443.
GIACOMETTI F., EVANS K., CLIFF J., REBAY G., TOMKINS A., ROSSETTI P., VAGGELLI G. ADAMS D. - 2014 - Sulfur isotope evolution in sulfide ores from Western Alps: assessing the influence of subduction-related metemorphism. Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystem, v. 15, n. 10, pp. 3808 - 3829.
GIERE´ R., OBERTI R., QUARTIERI S., WOGELIUS R. - 2014 - GEOLIFE - Geomaterials for the environment, technology and human activities. Preface to the October 2014 special set of papers arising from presentations at the Goldschmidt 2013 Conference. Mineralogical Magazine, v.78, n. 5, pp. i-iii.
GIGANTE D., ANGIOLINI C., LANDUCCI F., MANELI F., NISI B., VASELLI O., VENANZONI R., LASTRUCCI L. - 2014 - New occurrence of reed bed decline in southern Europe: Do permanent flooding and chemical parameters play a role?. Comptes Rendus Biologies, v. 337, pp. 487 - 498.
GIOVANARDI T., MAZZUCCHELLI M., ZANETTI A., LANGONE A., TIEPOLO M., CIPRIANI A. - 2014 - Occurence of phlogopite in the Finero mafic layered complex. Central European Journal of Geosciences, v. 6, n.4, pp. 588 - 613.
GIORDANO F. , D'ANTONIO M., CIVETTA L., TONARINI S., ORSI G., AYALEW D., YIRGU G., DELL'ERBA F., DI VITO M.A., ISAIA R. - 2014 - Genesis and evolution of mafic and felsic magmas at Quaternary volcanoes within the Main Ethiopian Rift: Insights from Gedemsa and Fanta 'Ale complexes. Lithos, v. 188, pp. 130 - 144.
GIUSBERTI L., BANNIKOV A., BOSCOLO GALAZZO F., FORNACIARI E., FRIELING J., LUCIANI V., PAPAZZONI C., ROGHI G., SCHOUTEN S., SLUIJS A., BOSELLINI F., ZORZIN R. - 2014 - A new fossil-Lagerstätte from the Lower Eocene of Lessini Mountains (northern Italy): A multidisciplinary approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 403, pp. 1 - 15.
GOMEZ B., GIUSBERTI L., ROGHI G., CHIARI M., DAVIERO-GOMEZ V., EWIN T. - 2014 - Proposal to conserve the name Frenelopsis against Aularthrophyton (fossil Gymnospermae: Coniferales). Taxon, v. 63, n. 3, pp. 691 - 692.
GONCUOGLU M.C., MARRONI M., PANDOLFI L., ELLERO A., OTTRIA G., CATANZARITI R., TEKIN U. K., SAYIT K. - 2014 - The Arkot Dag˘ Melange in Arac area, central Turkey: Evidence of its origin within the geodynamic evolution of the Intra-Pontide suture zone. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 85 pp. 117 - 139.
GRASSI S., AMADORI M., PENNISI M., CORTECCI G. - 2014 - Identifying sources of B and As contamination in surface water and groundwater downstream of the Larderello geothermal - industrial area (Tuscany-Central Italy). Journal of Hydrology, v. 509, pp. 66 - 82.
GUASTONI A., PENNACCHIONI G., POZZI G., FIORETTI A., WALTER J. - 2014 - Tertiary pegmatite dikes of the Central Alps. Canadian Mineralogist, v. 52, n. 2, pp. 191 - 219.
HALLDORSSON S.A., HILTON D.R., SCARSI P., ABEBE S., HOPP J. - 2014 - A common mantle plume source beneath the entire East African Rift System revealed by coupled helium-neon systematics. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 41, n. 7, pp. 2304 - 2311.
HARVEY J., GARRIDO C.J., SAVOV I., AGOSTINI S., PADRÓN-NAVARTA J.A., MARCHESI C., SÁNCHEZ-VIZCAÍNO V.L., GÓMEZ-PUGNAIRE M.T. - 2014 - 11B-rich fluids in subduction zones: The role of antigorite dehydration in subducting slabs and boron isotope heterogeneity in the mantle. Chemical Geology, v. 376, May, pp. 20 - 30.
HARVEY J., SAVOV I., AGOSTINI S., CLIFF R., WALSHAW R. - 2014 - Si-metasomatism in serpentinized peridotite: The effects of talc-alteration on strontium and boron isotopes in abyssal serpentinites from Hole 1268a, ODP Leg 209. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 126, pp. 30 - 48.
HIGUERAS P., OYARZUN R., KOTNIK J., ESBRI J.M., MARTINEZ-CORONADO A., HORVAT M., LOPEZ-BERDONCES M.A., LLANOS W., VASELLI O., NISI B., MASHYANOV N., RYZOV V., SPIRIC Z., PANICHEV N., MCCRINDLE R., FENG X., FU X., LILLO J., LOREDO J. GARCIA M.E., ALFONSO P., VILLEGAS K., PALACIOS S., OYARZUN J., MATURANA H., CONTRERAS F., ADAMS M., RIBEIRO-GUEVARA S., NIECENSKI L.F., GIAMMANCO S., HUREMOVIC J. - 2014 - A compilation of field surveys on gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from contrasting environmental settings in Europe, South America, South Africa and China: separating fads from facts. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, v. 36, n. 4, pp. 713 - 734.
INSINGA D.D., TAMBURRINO S., LIRER F., VEZZOLI L., BARRA M., DE LANGE G.J., TIEPOLO M., VALLEFUOCO M., MAZZOLA S., SPROVIERI M. - 2014 - Tephrochronology of the astronomically-tuned KC01B deep-sea core, Ionian Sea: insights into the explosive activity of the Central Mediterranean area during the last 200 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 85, pp. 63 - 84.
ISOLA I., MAZZARINI F., BONINI M., CORTI G. - 2014 - Spatial variability of volcanic features in early-stage rift settings: the case of the Tanzania Divergence, East African rift system. Terra Nova, v. 26, pp. 461 - 468.
LA FELICE S., MONTANARI D., BATTAGLIA S., BERTINI G., GIANELLI G. - 2014 - Fracture permeability and water-rock interaction in a shallow volcanic groundwater reservoir and the concern of its interaction with the deep geothermal reservoir of Mt. Amiata, Italy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 284, pp. 95 - 105.
LAPORTE D., LAMBART S., SCHIANO P., OTTOLINI L. - 2014 - Experimental derivation of nepheline syenite and phonolite liquids by partial melting of upper mantle peridotites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 404, pp. 319 - 331.
LANGONE A., CAGGIANELLI A., FESTA V., PROSSER G. - 2014 - Time constraints on the building of the Serre batholith: Consequences for the thermal evolution of the hercynian continental crust exposed in Calabria (Southern Italy). The Journal of Geology, v. 122, n. 2, pp. 183 - 199.
LELLI M., GRASSI S., AMADORI M., FRANCESCHINI F. - 2014 - Natural Cr(VI) contamination of groundwater in the Cecina coastal area and its inner sectors (Tuscany, Italy). Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 71, pp. 3907 - 3919.
LIMBERGER J., CALCAGNO P., MANZELLA A., TRUMPY E., BOXEM T., PLUYMACKERS M., VAN WESS J. - 2014 - Assessing the prospective resource base for enhanced geothermal systems in Europe. Geothermal Energy Science, v. 2, n. 1, pp. 55 - 71.
LUCCHESI S., FIORASO G., BERTOTTO S., CHIARLE M. - 2014 - Little Ice Age and contemporary glacier extent in the Western and South-Western Piedmont Alps (North-Western Italy). Journal of Maps, v. 10, n. 3, pp. 409 - 423.
LORENZINI S., BARONI C., BANESCHI I., SALVATORE M., FALLICK A., HALL B. - 2014 - Adélie penguin dietary remains reveal Holocene environmental changes in the western Ross Sea (Antarctica). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 395, pp. 21 - 28.
MANCEAU JC., TRÉMOSA J., AUDIGANE P., CLARET F., WASCH L.J., GHERARDI F., UKELIS O., DIMIER A., NUSSBAUM C., LETTRY Y., FIERZ T. - 2014 - 1:1 scale wellbore experiment and associated modeling for a better understanding of well integrity in the context of CO2 geological storage. A special volume of 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-12. Edited by Tim Dixon, Howard Herzog, Sian Twinning. Energy Procedia, v. 63, pp. 5749 - 5753.
MARRONI M., FRASSI C., GÖNCÜOGLU M., DI VINCENZO G., PANDOLFI L., REBAY G., ELLERO A., OTTRIA G. - 2014 - Late Jurassic amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the Intra-Pontide Suture Zone(Turkey): an eastward extension of the Vardar Ocean from the Balkans into Anatolia?. Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 171, n. 5, pp. 605 - 608.
MARTIRE L., BERTOK C., D'ATRI A., PEROTTI E., PIANA F. - 2014 - Selective dolomitization by syntaxial overgrowth around detrital dolomite nuclei: a case from the Jurassic of the Ligurian Briançonnais (Ligurian Alps). Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, pp. 40 - 50.
MARZOLI A., JOURDAN F., BUSSY F., CHIARADIA M., COSTA F. - 2014 - Petrogenesis of tholeiitic basalts from the Central Atlantic magmatic province as revealed by mineral major and trace elements and Sr isotopes. Lithos, v. 188, pp. 44 - 59.
MASELLI V., TRINCARDI F., ASIOLI A., CEREGATO A., RIZZETTO F., TAVIANI M. - 2014 - Delta growth and river valleys: the influence of climate and sea level changes on the South Adriatic shelf (Mediterranean Sea). Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 99, pp. 146 - 163.
MASI A., SADORI L., BALOSSI RESTELLI F., BANESCHI I., ZANCHETTA G. - 2014 - Stable carbon isotope analysis as a crop management indicator at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey) during the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, v. 23, pp. 751 - 760.
MATTASH M., PINARELLI L., VASELLI O., MINISSALE A., JAIMES-VIERA M., AL-KADASI M., SHAWKI M., TASSI F. - 2014 - Geochemical evolution of Southern Red Sea and Yemen flood volcanism: evidence for mantle heterogenity. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, pp. 1 - 20.
MATTEI M., RIGGS N.R., GIORDANO G., GUARNIERI L., CIFELLI F., SORIANO C. C., JICHA B., JASIM A., MARCHIONNI S., FRANCIOSI L., TOMMASINI S., PORRECA M., CONTICELLI S. - 2014 - Geochronology, Geochemistry and Geodynamics of the Cabo de Gata volcanic zone, Southeastern Spain. Italian Journal of Geosciences, v. 133, n. 3, pp. 341 - 361.
MAZZARINI F., RUGGIERI G., ISOLA I., BOSCHI C., DINI A., MUSUMECI G., ROCCHI S. - 2014 - Fluid transfer and vein thickness distribution in high and low temperature hydrothermal systems at shallow crustal level in southern Tuscany (Italy). Annals of Geophysics, v. 57, n. 3, pp. 1 - 11.
MELEKESTSEVA I., TRET'YAKOV G., NIMIS P., YUMINOV A., MASLENNIKOV V., MASLENNIKOVA S., KOTLYAROV V., BELTENEV V., DUNYUSHEVSKY L., LARGE R. - 2014 - Barite-rich massive sulfides from the Semenov-1 hydrothermal field (Mid Atlantic Ridge, 13°30.87'N): Evidence for phase separation and magmatic input. Marine Geology, v. 349, pp. 37 - 54.
MELLUSO L., HERGT J.M., ZANETTI A. - 2014 - The late crystallization stages of low-Ti, low-Fe tholeiitic magmas: insights from evolved Antarctic and Tasmanian rocks. Lithos. v. 188, pp. 72 - 83.
NISI B., VASELLI O., TASSI F., DE ELIO J., ORTEGA M., CABALLERO J., RAPPUOLI D., MAZADIEGO L. - 2014 - Origin of the gases released from the Acqua Passante and Ermeta Wells (Mt. Amiata, central Iatly) and possible environmental implications for their closure. Annals of Geophysics, v. 57, n. 4, pp. 1 - 16.
MERLE R., MARZOLI A., REISBERG L., BERTRAND H., NEMCHIN A., CHIARADIA M., CALLEGARO S., JOURDAN F., BELLIENI G., KONTAK D., PUFFER J., MCHONE J. - 2014 - Sr, Nd, Pb and Os isotope systematics of CAMP tholeiites from Eastern North America (ENA): Evidence of a subduction-enriched mantle source. Journal of Petrology, v. 55, n. 1, pp. 133 - 180.
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GROPPO C., ROLFO F., MOSCA P., CASTELLI D. - 2014 - Metamorphic CO2 production in scapolite-bearing calc-silicate rocks from the upper Greater Himalayan Sequence (eastern Nepal Himalaya). In: Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Groppo C., Mosca P., Rolfo F., Carosi R. (eds). 29th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Luca, Italy, September 2 - 4, 2014. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, v. 47, pp. 57 - 58.
PAPAZZONI C., BASSI D., FORNACIARI E., GIUSBERTI L., LUCIANI V., MIETTO P., ROGHI G., TREVISANI E. - 2014 - Geological and stratigraphical setting of the Bolca area. In: Papazzoni C., Giusberti L., Carnevale G., Roghi G., Bassi D., Zorzin R. (Eds.): The Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätten: A window into the Eocene World. Rendiconti delle Società Paleontologica Italiana, n. 4., pp. 19 - 28, Modena.
PAPAZZONI C., CARNEVALE G., GIUSBERTI L., ROGHI G., ZORZIN R. - 2014 - Introduction to the Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätten. In: Papazzoni C., Giusberti L., Carnevale G., Roghi G., Bassi D., Zorzin R. (Eds.): The Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätten: A window into the Eocene World. Rendiconti delle Società Paleontologica Italiana, n. 4, pp. 1 - 4, Modena.
PAPAZZONI C., GIUSBERTI L., CARNEVALE G., ROGHI G., BASSI D., ZORZIN R. (Eds.) - 2014 - The Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätten: A window into the Eocene World. Rendiconti delle Società Paleontologica Italiana, n. 4., 110 pp., Modena.
PAPAZZONI C.A., VESCOGNI A., BOSELLINI F., GIUSBERTI L., ROGHI G., DOMINICI S. - 2014 - First evidence of coral bioconstructions in the Monte Postale succession (Lower Eocene of Lessini Mts., Veneto, northern Italy). Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, v. 31, July, pp. 163 - 164.
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ROGHI G., DOMINICI S., GIUSBERTI L., CERATO M., ZORZIN R. - 2014 - Historical outline. In: Papazzoni C., Giusberti L., Carnevale G., Roghi G., Bassi D., Zorzin R. (Eds.), 2014, The Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätten: A window into the Eocene World. Rendiconti delle Società Paleontologica Italiana, n. 4., pp. 5 - 18, Modena.
ROLFO F., COSTA E., DESTEFANIS E., GROPPO C., MOSCA P., KAPHLE P., PANT B. - 2014 - Preliminary chemical and isotopic characterization of cold and hot-spring waters from Nepal. In: Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Groppo C., Mosca P., Rolfo F., Carosi R. (eds). 29th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Luca, Italy, September 2 - 4, 2014. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, v. 47 pp. 138 - 139.
ROLFO F., GROPPO C., MOSCA P. - 2014 - Petrologic assesment of deep CO2 production in the active Himalayan orogen. In: Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Groppo C., Mosca P., Rolfo F., Carosi R. (eds). 29th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Luca, Italy, September 2 - 4, 2014, Journal of the Himalayan Earth Sciences, v. 47, pp. 136 - 137.
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BARTIROMO A., ROGHI G. - 2014 - La flora del Cretaceo dell’Italia centro-meridionale. The flora of the Cretaceous of southern Italy. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.): La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, pp. 194 - 201.
BENVENUTI M., BIANCHI G., BRUTTINI J., BUONICONTRI M., CHIARANTINI L., DALLAI L., DI PASQUALE G., DONATI A., GRASSI F., PESCINI V. - 2014 - Studying the Colline Metallifere mining area in Tuscany: an interdisciplinary approach. In: Joseph Silvertant (ed.) 9th International Symposium on Archaeological Mining History. ISBN: 9789081785372, pp. 261 - 287. GEODINAMICA ED EVOLUZIONE DELLA LITOSFERA CONTINENTALE.
BOTTEGHI S., CHIESA S., DESTRO E., DI SIPIO E., GALGARO A., MANZELLA A., MONTANARI D. - 2014 - Vigor: Prime indicazioni tecnico-prescrittive in materia di impianti di climatizzazione geotermica. Chiesa S., Destro E., Di Sipio E., Manzella A., Montanari D., Botteghi S., Galgaro A (eds.). Edizioni CNR - IGG Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Italia, 97 p.
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GIUSBERTI L., BARTIROMO A., DALLA VECCHIA F.M., ROGHI G. - 2014 - La flora del Cretaceo dell’Italia settentrionale. The Cretaceous flora of northern Italy. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.): La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, pp.180 - 193.
GIUSBERTI L., ROGHI G., MARTINETTO E., FORNASIERO M., SIMONETTO L. - 2014 - La flora del Paleogene dell’Italia settentrionale. The Paleogene flora of northern Italy. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.): La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, pp. 206 - 231.
GROPPELLI G., BLANCO M., GIORDANO D., MARTI J., MELETLIDIS S., PRINCIPE C. - 2014 - Multidisciplinary approach to the holocenic flank eruptions in Tenerife (Canarias). In: STRATI 2013: First International Congress on Stratigraphy At the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy. pp. 1233 - 1235. Rocha R., Pais J., Kullberg J.C., Finney S. (Eds.).
KUHLMANN J., ASIOLI A., STRASSER M., TRINCARDI F., HUHN K. - 2014 - Integrated stratigraphic and morphological investigation of the Twin Slide complex offshore southern Sicily. In: S. Krastel et al. (eds.), “Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium.” Book Series: Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, v. 37, pp. 583 - 594 Springer International Publishing Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-00972-8.
KUSTATSCHER E., ROGHI G., BERTINI A., MIOLA A. (eds) - 2014 - La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, 382 p.
KUSTATSCHER E., FORTE G., ROGHI G. - 2014 - La flora del Permiano dell’Italia settentrionale. The Perminian flora of northern Italy. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.): La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, pp. 84 - 97.
KUSTATSCHER E., ROGHI G. - 2014 - La flora del Triassico dell’Italia settentrionale. The Triassic flora from the central Italy. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.): La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, pp. 116 - 133.
KUSTATSCHER E., ROGHI G., GIUSBERTI L. - 2014 - La flora del Giurassico dell’Italia settentrionale. The Jurassic flora of northern Italy. In: Kustatscher E., Roghi G., Bertini A., Miola A. (eds.): La storia delle piante fossili in Italia. Paleobotany of Italy. Pubblicato in occasione del XI Congresso Europeo di Paleobotanica, Padova, 26 - 31 Agosto 2014. Pubblicazione del Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige n. 9, pp. 154 - 165.
NISI B., RACO B., DOTSIKA E. - 2014 - Groundwater contaminations studies by environmental isotopes: A review. In: Jimenez E., Cabañas, B., Lefebvre G. (eds.), Environment, Energy and Climate Change I: Environmental Chemistry of Pollutants and Wastes, 36 p.
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